There are numerous ways of studying God’s word… both the good and the bad practices. The most important aspect of studying scripture is to derive from it what was intended. It is to nurture our spiritual growth and help us become all that God intends for us to be. It is to help us understand God, His standards and expectations. It is to help us understand humanity’s spiritual weaknesses in our self and also in others. And it is to be understood within the presented context, and within it’s historical framework.
The following example of breaking down a verse is one of the simplest and most basic ways for a believer to begin a bible study. As one becomes accustomed to this approach, he or she can grow and learn several other equally valid methods of getting into God’s word.
Verses are in RED… broken down into individual words or phrases. Followed by( in BLACK parentheses) intended meaning, both universal and personal application.
6 Therefore, (Let’s grow and move forward… based on God’s word. Imperative. Definite.)
as you (All who are in Christ, including myself. Those born a 2nd time.)
received (Not rejected or discarded. Offered to us/me and we/I accepted.)
Christ Jesus the Lord, (Jesus only… no other religious teacher, guru, or charlatan. He takes precedence above any other)
so walk in Him, (Our/My actions, thoughts, desires, efforts are grounded in Him)
7 rooted (That which holds us/me in place, balances us, gives us strength, and sustains… living water)
and built up in Him (”He is the potter… I am the clay”)
and established in the faith, (Many world systems and philosophies, but our/my purpose is in Christ’s gospel)
just as you were taught, (Not our/my education from other sources, but that from sound biblical teaching)
abounding in thanksgiving. (Always thankful for what Christ has done, giving Him praise and glory)
8 See to it (Our/My effort, not God’s or anyone elses)
that no one (It doesn’t matter who it is, how great, mighty, or attractive they might be)
takes you captive (Loss of freedom… once caught, we/I am trapped and unable to escape)
by philosophy (Man’s best thinking and deepest thoughts, no matter how appealing they might seem)
and empty deceit, (Not beneficial to our/my spiritual purity, but that which tricks us/me into putting our/my Christ-centeredness aside)
according to human tradition, (Man’s teachings and ways of doing things which are passed down through the generations)
according to the elemental spirits of the world, (The most basic, seemingly normal and commonly encountered spiritual teachings)
and not according to Christ. (If it doesn’t stack-up with Christ’s teachings and example, then it’s potentially harmful and incorrect. It should be shelved and discarded)
9 For in Him (Nothing outside of Christ, but only that which is in Him alone. He is the source)
the whole fullness (Complete and not lacking for more. Entire)
of deity dwells bodily, (If we want to see God… just look at Jesus. He alone is God-in-man. God cannot be found, or seen, in any other living or dead person)
10 and you (All who are in Christ, including myself and all others who have submitted to Him)
have been filled (Filled is uppermost… all the way to the top, not just part way. Over-flowing)
in Him, (Jesus only… no other religious teacher, guru, or charlatan)
who is the head (The boss, the top dog, the one in charge, the one to be obeyed and listened to, the one who makes the rules. Leader of all leaders)
of all rule and authority. (At the very top, doesn’t get any higher than this, my ways and desires submit to His. It is impossible to locate any authority above His)