Saturday, October 27, 2012

How Low Can We Go

I have yet to read a review of Mockingbird Lane mentioning the major flaw in the show... the way the main emphasis has been completely switched and can be summed up in one word... 'threatening'. The original show featured a family who appeared monstrous on the outside but were actually kind and non-threatening on the inside (though admittedly odd). The new characters appear normal to the eye, but in actuality they are wicked killers who have the potential of ripping your throat out at any given moment. (The show begins with little Eddie attempting to murder an entire Boy Scout troop!) This family is truly threatening and dangerous.

The character of Marilyn is no longer needed in the story. The writers make no bones about portraying Lily as the true beauty/seductress of the two. Marilyn's good looks are not unique amongst her family members. But even 'normal' Marilyn is given a not-so-sweet personality who just might be capable of committing atrocities of her own. She seems to take delight in assisting Grandpa in spreading his poisonous and harmful schemes.

No, this new version of the Munsters could never be good neighbors. They might appear to the eye as being normal, but their darkness is far more more threatening. This is one family who should be avoided.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Proverbial Prideful Prison

Pride goes before destruction,
and haughtiness before a fall.
(Proverbs 16:18)

Proud people take little account of their weaknesses and do not anticipate stumbling blocks. They think they are above the frailties of common people. In this state of mind they are easily tripped up. Ironically, proud people seldom realize that pride is their problem, although most folks around them are well aware of it. Inner pride is much like the back of your head... other people see it well, but you can only see it when aided by someone or something else. Outer pride is something else altogether... you make a conscience effort to be prideful; you are well aware of your pride; you don't care that you are proud; and you fail to see you are doing anything wrong by conceitedly basking in your glory, whether deserved or undeserved.

If you are not to proud to ask, go to someone you trust and learn whether self-satisfaction has blinded you to pride's warning signs.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Far Too Much Pride

Far Too Much Pride by pdw's atelier
Far Too Much Pride, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Pride leads to conflict;
those who take advice are wise.
(Proverbs 13:10)

"I was wrong" or "I need advice" are difficult phrases to utter because they require humility.
Pride is an ingredient in every quarrel.
It stirs up conflict and divides people.
Humility, by contrast, heals.
Guard against pride.
If you find yourself constantly arguing, examine your life for pride.
Be open to the advice of others,
ask for help when you need it,
and be willing to admit your mistakes.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Falling by pdw's atelier
Falling, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

The wise don’t make a show of their knowledge,
but fools broadcast their foolishness.
(Proverbs 12:23)

No Bing

You just don't realize how many pervy-people are online until you do a pure, unfiltered image search for anything at all (anything!!) and you get a plethora of inappropriate search results. It's very much like nasty ol' Times Square before they cleaned it up.

-((Yes! Once again I get to use plethora.))-

Friday, October 19, 2012

Microsoft, Pay Attention

NOTE: I wrote the following for a computer forum dealing with the latest Windows 8 release...

What most people seem to be missing, or have missed, is that a certain aspect of PC computers have always been irrelevant! From day one, the basic computer has been capable of delivering power and features suited to a place of business. For decades even the low-end home computers have not been totally relevant to many, many (can I add another many) home users who have had no need whatsoever of the full capabilities of the device they have purchased.

For twenty-five years I have cringed at computer-store salespeople who have no clue what their buyers actually need, and instead sell them on power and features which they personally find attractive. How many times has my aged mother brought home the latest computer which the salesperson convinced her was what she needed, only to find it frustrating to use and eventually giving it to one of the grandchildren who could use the dang thing!

There are multitudes of people who really don't have the same personal needs as what a company or business has with a computer.

Now here's the clencher... and this is one which I have not seen mentioned very much... the cost of the apps!!! I paid several hundred dollars for Photoshop which I use on both a Mac and on a PC, it's a great app. I paid almost three hundred dollars for the music app which I compose my compositions on. But for the past year and a half I use my iPad for doing the majority of what I used those two apps for. Besides the purchase of my PCs/Macs, I have literally spent thousands of dollars on software over the years. I spent $4.99 for the incredible little iPad image app, and $1.99 for the music scoring app used on my iPad. Can you fully comprehend this difference? Perhaps $7 compared to $700 is not that important to businesses, it is quite important to the casual at-home user. (Microsoft... pay very close attention to what I'm saying here, it could make or break your latest toy.)

Yep, if PC people cannot grasp that their needs, and their financial means are not the same as everyone else's then yes, those folks are indeed out of touch.

We will see if Microsoft is in-touch with the average person. We will see if a whole new Windows 8 app store opens which offers some incredible little $2 and $4 apps which are designed specifically for their device.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Smoke and Drink

I would rather spend a hundred hours in the presence of a heavy smoker than a couple hours in traffic surrounded by heavy drinkers.

Please Deceive

A denominator common to all forms of lust is illusion.

What you strongly and longingly lust for is not based upon fact. It is basically focused on the illusion contained within your mind.

The grass which appeared so green and rich when it was on the other side of the fence proves to be full of briars, thorns, and weeds when you have given-in to that urge and climbed the fence to get to it. You have allowed the illusion to win the battle raging within your inner self.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jazz + Bluegrass = Awesome!

I've begun arranging the guitar/midi version of 'Taught by God'. This one is proving quite different... combining traditional jazz with finger-picking bluegrass! Surprisingly, the combination works exceedingly well together. I can't say I've actually heard jazz and bluegrass combined together, but I'm sure someone has done it already... you know what Solomon tells us.

Sea of Despair - Showers of Grace - Spring

Sea of Despair - Showers of Grace - Spring

This lovely composition was given by God's Spirit one early morning when I was immersed in prayer, meditation, Bible study, and an overall quiet time with the Lord.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

No Way In

No Way In by pdw's atelier
No Way In, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Don't ever let your intelligence become a detriment where you become what my grandfather referred to as "an educated fool".

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Cathedral by pdw's atelier
Cathedral, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Several great adjectives worth looking up, analyzing, meditating on, and taking to heart...

"For the devious are an abomination to the Lord;
But He is intimate with the upright."
(Proverbs 3:32)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Satan's Lies #3

Satan's Lies #3 by pdw's atelier
Satan's Lies #3, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Admit it, sometimes you would rather believe his lies than the honest truth.

Search Me

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
(Psalm 139:23,24)

The Psalmist confidently asks God to 'search and know my heart'. He was not confident that God would find nothing wrong, but that He definitely would! Our hope in The Lord is not that we're so good and pure that God will not be able to find anything screwed-up about our self, but that even though we are filled with impurities, God will make those known to us and help us mend and move ahead. By His might we will continue to grow and become the person He desires us to be. Only by being led by the Lord can we hope to walk "along the path of everlasting life."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October Horror

October has become the month when many cable networks air non-stop horror films. If you like the older horror films which didn't show the gore and mayhem (leaving much to your imagination), TCM is a good channel to watch. It's interesting that many of those older horror classics have been remade, but this time around are filled with the bloody, gory details... I guess everyone has their limits to what they can stomach and what they can't. If you like to see the mutilation and dismemberment, there are quite a few other networks which have those films for your viewing enjoyment.

And if you're in the mood to watch television which is much more frightening than any of the horror films, there's plenty of political ads, debates, and campaigning to turn any stomach!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Return of the Prodigal - Spring

Return of the Prodigal - Spring

I completed the Spring midi/guitar arrangement on Carol's birthday! I'm really pleased with the way this version turned-out!
Original composition first recorded in 2006. This 2012 instrumental Spring arrangement recorded with guitars and 'Digital Data Orchestra' accompaniment.

'Return of the Prodigal' displays the three stages of a person's spiritual life. The first part is the natural part of any person's life that we all share in common... our life after our first birth when we are by nature separated from God.

The next part is our broken stage when we finally realize the forgiveness God offers; our authentically repentant response; and our humble need to follow what He offers.

The final part is when we have turned away from our separated state and no longer live for self. Now we have accepted God's gift and are living for Him!

Art Abilities 101

You say you can't draw a straight line?
Sure you can!
That's what rulers are used for.

Monday, October 8, 2012


A politician is a person who occasionally gets cheered when they tell a lie and jeered when they tell the truth.

The Last Days are Our Present Days... How much Longer will They Endure?

In Paul's second letter to Timothy he writes, "that in the last days there will be very difficult times." Then he accurately elaborates and describes the times and people we know and are accustomed to. Our entertainment, politics, philosophies, mind-sets, accepted behavior, teachings, news articles, and principles are mentioned by Paul as difficult, unGodly, wicked, and worth avoiding. This is what we know and accept every day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

No Cost

Many of the best things in life are free. But hey, try telling that to a consumer society that believes if it doesn't have a price attached to it, it ain't worth much.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm quite consistent in my inconsistencies.

I'm quite consistent in my inconsistencies.