Friday, July 25, 2014


Yep, it seems this nasty attitude runs amuck at epidemic proportions.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What is Your Lying Style?
Lying is alive and flourishing in this millennium.

Men are quite adept at lying to other people.
Women are better at lying to themselves.

Society does a more effective job at enforcing and punishing those who lie and deceive other people but oftentimes teaches and promotes telling lies to our self.

Drug users are skilled at lying to everybody!
Politicians are paid to do it, but must lie to say they're not doing it.

(art by pdw)


If you want to see if you're out of balance in certain areas, just examine your Facebook 'likes' and see if specific categories, genres, politics, sports, music, movies, causes, relationships, etc dominate and pop-out. Chances are you already know you have a strong leaning one way over another but perhaps you never considered you were not balanced, or perhaps you really don't care. Just don't act smug about being well-rounded if you really aren't. Admit it and accept it.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


One of the many reasons people don't easily understand spiritual principles is because we know very little about the concept of birthright. In the western world the concept of birthright is so foreign to us we struggle every time we encounter it, and though we aren't always aware of it, it happens within our society in many different capacities and at all levels. Once we make the effort to study and understand birthrights, we gain a deeper understanding of God, His relationship with humanity, and the workings within the spiritual world as it affects our physical world.