Friday, October 29, 2010

Proper Festivities

So, do you know how to be festive; celebrate;
have a great time; and party hard...

WITHOUT the presence of alcohol?



Shallow Ground

Today's word (as it is every day) is 'superficial'.
I'm constantly amazed at how superficial we are as a society... and we just keep sliding more and more that way.
It seems like it has to take disasters and hardships to yank us away from our emphasis on the unimportant.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

You Must be Born Again

Sternly enforcing morality without an authentic change of heart is much like coaching a sport you know the rules to but you have no passion or love for.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Firm Foundation

The tumbleweed easily blows away while the boulder remains firmly in place.

The greatest defense is a strong, solid foundation.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Should we Welcome Disasters?

Sadly, today's word (as it is every day) is 'superficial'.

I'm constantly amazed at how superficial we are as a society... and we just keep sliding more and more that way. 

It seems like it has to take disasters and hardships to yank us away from our emphasis on the unimportant.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Definition of swearing/cursing/profanity...

(1) Language spoken in movies and occasionally on television.
     Very often overused.
     Utilized by screenwriters when more appropriate adjectives 
     are overlooked.
(2) Language seldom heard in the home; workplace; or social 

     circles, but frequently spoken in film and on TV. 
