Thursday, October 28, 2010

You Must be Born Again

Sternly enforcing morality without an authentic change of heart is much like coaching a sport you know the rules to but you have no passion or love for.



  1. “Have you been born again?” the Fundamentalist at the door asks the unsuspecting Catholic.

    Yes, they believe in Jesus. And yes, they try to live Christian lives. They probably have some vague awareness that Fundamentalists think being “born again” involves a religious experience or “accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savoir.”

    The Catholic Church has always held, being “born of water and the Spirit” refers to baptism, and then it follows that being “born again” or “born from above” means being baptized.

    Clearly, the context implies that born of “water and the Spirit” refers to baptism. The Evangelist tells us that immediately after talking with Nicodemus, Jesus took his disciples into the wilderness where they baptized people (John 3:22).

  2. Michael, your comment is very much appreciated.

    ((PS- Seeing you're from Sydney makes me want to add that my wife and I had a couple of nice visits to your city when we were living in Australia.))
