Sunday, November 7, 2010


For a couple of decades we have placed tolerance at among the very top of virtues, perhaps because of how low it had previously been felt or practiced in most societies. I personally believe that a healthy dose of tolerance is a great asset and trait to exhibit. It can bring about greater empathy and understanding among diverse groups. But I also see that (true to our nature) we tend to gravitate to unhealthy extremes and call for tolerance in areas where it should never be an option in the first place.

Again, we should be quite tolerable up to a certain point... but we must also know where to draw the line. At that point we should firmly put our foot down and say, "Enough! Let's quit being ridiculous and use some common sense!" Let's freely love our brother and show a great degree of compassion. Let's also expect a degree of accountability in the process. Let's learn from tolerance errors we've made in the past couple decades and move forward.

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