Sunday, June 12, 2011

God is love... Or is He?

A common sign/placard seen at protest rallies states "My god loves everybody". This is a good statement and I believe in it. Problem is... it doesn't really say much of anything. Anyone who wants to create their own god would probably start out this way. It's simple, it's basic, but it really tells you nothing about this god you've made-up. It's very similar to the 'prince Charming' which some little girls fantasize about... all good, no bad, but no substance.

If you do believe in a god who loves everybody, you must complete his/her/it's description with a 'but' or an 'and' to make the statement have meaning. An example would be to state it the way I originally saw the description a long time ago, it said "My God loves everybody BUT he hates their sin." Now the simple sentiment gains a little substance, but it could still be a god you've come up with on your own. Especially if your god only hates the things which you personally hate. Your god is still just a reflection of you.

Now you can add some more buts or ands to this god of yours... "and my god gives me good gifts" or "my god wants me to live in a castle" or "my god loves me when I'm good and hates me when I'm bad", etc, etc. You're at the point that you really must look into studying to see if god has been revealed in other ways than what you're making-up. Your imagination could take you almost anywhere, you could end-up with a god more harmful than beneficial.

Find out three things (or more):
(1) Does god love everybody?
(2) If he hates our sin (our negative traits which might bring about harm or hurt) how is it possible for him to love what's not lovable?
(3) If god really does love everybody but hates our inward wickedness, what has he done about it? Does he ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist? Just what are these sins and why do I naturally commit them? Can I do anything about it? Has god done anything about it?

Going back to the basic premise "My god loves everybody" and restating it in two ways which come from thousands of Judeo/Christian* years of god carefully and meticulously unveiling himself... His nature; his likes; his dislikes; how he has worked in history; how he has communicated with various people; what people have made-up about him; what he has corrected about these made-up concepts, etc. (There are numerous god-aspects which must be laid on the line in order to really know about him), then the statement can gain much depth and insight by completing it with:
(1) "My god loves everybody but he hates their sin."
(2) "My god loves everybody and he sent his Messiah Jesus to be an atoning sacrifice on the cross to take care of our sins (that otherwise can not be legally overlooked)."

There. Now the simple statement takes on a depth which goes beyond our own god-creation and limited understanding. It now contains the doorway to explaining the whole picture which could only come from God Himself.

*The teachings, doctrines, beliefs, genealogy, and culture of Jesus are the referenced measuring stick which I use in learning about God. Other religions could also be referenced as well, but Jesus (and his nature) consistently prove a more accurate and complete standard on the topic of God.

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