Friday, May 11, 2012


One of many misconceptions regarding Jesus is that he only taught 'peace, love, and harmony' along with other loving and pretty things. The truth is that much of his teachings were in fact warnings which dealt with quite negative and sometimes frightful concepts. He consistently exposed areas which we believe to be good for the darker side which they actually are. We associate 'destruction' with war and calamity, but Jesus associated it with the normal condition we live under. No, he never was that 'timid little Jesus holding a rose in his hand' that some tend to believe. But, the good, uplifting, and positive news is that even though he showed that things might be worse than we want to believe, there is also the 'good news' of a way out for those who are willing to accept it. He emphasized that if we choose to stay the way we are things won't be so great, but if we really listen, take it to heart, turn and make that change, and let him lead us in a whole new way, then things can actually get turned around and redirected for a much better destination. That is the loving and positive message he is known for.

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