Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back from the Dead

So the sisters sent word to Him, saying, “ Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.” But when Jesus heard this, He said, “This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it.” (John 11:3-4)

Jesus intentionally allowed the women's brother to die! He could have easily healed him while he was still sick but made the choice to wait until he was dead to travel to where he was. At first this seems so uncaring, heartless, and drastic, but Jesus clearly explains the purpose. He states that this will be an event so overwhelmingly above and beyond anything that normal people are familiar with and are capable of that it will be proof to all generations that God is who He says He is and Jesus will receive the glorious authentication/ validated/ stamped with approval/ proof beyond all other as being His Son of might and glory! An aspect of Jesus' glory is that He should never be referred to in the same league as any other prophet or religious person. He alone is who He says He is!

Jesus then went on to take Lazarus, who was a decaying, stinking four-day-old corpse and bring him back to a fresh new life. (This event had many witnesses and was well-known and talked about beyond the region. It was even referred to by those in high political positions.)


NOTE: If interested in the rest of this amazing account, read the remainder of John chapter 11. It is recorded in such an amazing style filled with drama, theological answers, human emotion, impact, timing, doctrine, depth, and angst that it surpasses all other factual historical accounts and practically any fictional writings by the very best authors and/or historians! There has never been a Hollywood movie that was able to show this event with the full impact that it has!

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