Saturday, July 14, 2012

Don't put me on Jerry Springer!

Just because there are certain areas in which you won't stoop below doesn't mean that other people won't happily descend below those same standards. Realizing this, you should evaluate and scrutinize whether those values you've set for yourself are viable and valid, and should you personally adhere to them or reject them. If it's clear those areas are worth avoiding, then you are challenged to make a judgment call about those who have sunk below those areas. Are they swimming in hazardous, toxic waste which is taking it's toll on them in both visible and in unseen ways? If they are unwilling to see just how low they've comfortably stooped, then we must realize they probably see unclear in other areas which require good judgment... they cannot be relied upon for doling out advice or confining in. Our chosen lifestyle reflects who we are on the inside.

Self imposed legalism in and of itself can be nothing more than a personal prison, but when used sparingly and as a benchmark for upholding greater truths, then it shows it's benefits which extend and elevate above the murky cesspool which it protects from. But even then, biblically defined love still trumps any form of legalism when dealing with one's outreach to others!

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