Monday, September 17, 2012

I Really Like Your Jesus, uh... No You Don't!

"I like your Jesus, I just don't like his followers." (paraphrase)
This statement was coined in the last century by a man known for peace and revolution, but who also had a very jilted and poorly thought-out theology. Since then, it has been repeated and proclaimed by many other people who also tend to suffer from a weak doctrinal view of God and His spiritual kingdom.
If you are one who also believes in the "I like your Jesus" sentiment, I am restating a couple variations of it so the full absurdity of it can be felt…
"I really like Martin Luther King, I just don't like the dark people who follow him."
"I really like the Democratic party, I just don't like people who call themselves Democrats."
"I really like television, I just don't like the shows which they air."
In all four cases… Jesus, Dr. King, a political party, and a mass-media entertainment network, we cannot say we like the center but not the outlying branches. What we actually feel is that we don't like the results of the center focus/leader/source/ideal and if we really knew more about who or what is being followed, we really wouldn't like them/it as well.
So, when I hear someone proclaim the "I like your Jesus, but…", I think to myself, "No. You really don't like him either." And if it's someone I know, I might add, "… and your life and actions really show you don't like him as well."

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