We like to see people smiling. We love to see babies smiling. A positive event can cause a flood of smiles all around. We would rather see a smile than view a frown. A pleasant smile makes the face more attractive. Smiling can be contagious... a good smile just catches on.
Some smiles we hate. We abhor a smile on the face of a convicted felon. A smile caused by someone's pain and suffering makes us cringe. A smile of insincerity is no smile at all. When we are low in despair or tragedy, a smile is not what we want to see.
There are some smiles that are both cherished and scorned, dependent upon the camaraderie shared. The winning team cheers and smiles, but the loser's faces reflect sorrow. A shocking comedian can bring a smile, or disgust. The smile of a partying drunk... fellow drunken party-goers share the smile, whereas the mother who's child is kept awake by their thoughtlessness might see the smiles as a sign of shame.
There are appropriate times to smile. There are appropriate times for tears. Never the twain shall meet*.
*Unless you cry when you're happy, but that's another story.
(art from "Down Through the Ages" video)
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