We are all aware just how fast things are changing now. Daily, quickly changing and evolving technology alters ways of life in both expected and unexpected ways. Western culture not only embraces quick change but we have economic systems which are greatly based on fast paced change. Without consumer goods constantly changing, multitudes of jobs would dissolve overnight. We rely on people buying and replacing items that otherwise have little reason to even be replaced.
But it is not the evolving electronic items that cause me to stop; catch my breath; and attempt to figure out what's happening, it's all those other facets of life that have no need to change and yet they do. I'm not referring to bad conditions and attitudes which have room for improvement... I get flabbergasted by areas which change even though nothing good comes out of the change. The old adage comes to mind... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it (or 'why fix it').
Since I turn television on for at least a little while most days, the incredibly rapid change that's taking place to our language pops-out at me as if it were a slap in the face. Being in marketing, writing, and proof-reading, I am constantly aware of the way things are said, how they are said, the particular words used, the best way to say it, and the way words are normally pronounced. This is a part of my training and professional world view.
I have noticed in recent years that a few American-pronounced words have changed so they are pronounced with more of the British pronunciation. I am so surprised to hear these pronunciations coming from television, film, newscasters, politicians, and even the president of the United States that it is quite a relief to watch an older movie or TV show and hear it pronounced the way I was always accustomed to. This is proof that I am not going crazy... things have changed, they were not always that way. My memory is correct! Whew!
Another simple example is when a commonly accepted word disappears and is replaced by a different word. Example: My whole life I had heard about tidal-waves. This was the term used in conversations, movies, television, and in print. Then all a sudden in the 1990s the term tsunami appeared and was instantly adopted. Since then I don't know if I've heard of a tidal-wave ever again. A centuries-old word was almost instantly gone. A term widely used in every form of media disappeared as if it was never there (unless you read old books or view old films). But most surprising of all is even modern dictionaries have practically dropped the term... you have to find a pre-nineties dictionary to see an honest definition. The scattered dictionaries that even include it at all do so as if it's an odd and improper word to use!
Though I've only mentioned such menial things such as words and language, and realistically so many of the changes apply to other trivial things such as food and perceptions, changes also apply to far more important areas of life like rampant inflation, employment, values, ethics, attitudes, acceptance, rejection, likes, dislikes, and where you stand and where you fall. And though these things might seem unimportant on certain levels, they all contribute to a person's insecurities and instabilities.
And that more or less brings about what is troubling regarding our quick change, quick acceptance world. It all brings about the feeling that so many things are unstable. We can't be certain of anything now. We are living on top of a powder keg. If the natural disasters don't get us first, the mysterious haze that our society is throwing our way will do it's best to confuse, confound, dissimilate, and try to trip us as we move along on this path of life. It's just another reason to pay close attention to the king of all teachers, prophets, and leaders when he advises us to not even be trapped on that confusing and wayward path. That path might be wide and well travelled but it is his small narrow path which is the true and stable way to go. His little path is secure and will not mess with your mind. Perhaps this is a good time in your life to switch paths, you'll be glad you did.
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