Sunday, July 31, 2011
It's quite rare for mockers to be mauled by bears or lions... the rest of the time you simply have to standyour ground and put up with them.
Life's Mud
When we encounter a mud puddle, we make a point of passing at a distance. If we decide to walk through it, we are affected and made filthy. We don't make the mud clean, it makes us dirty!
The mud puddle represents many things we encounter throughout our life. Unfortunately, our vision only notices the dirt on the outside of our being. The mud which makes it to the inside often goes unnoticed... even though it's contamination has done far more damage than what is obvious.
Even if you could care less if your clothes get dirty, please make a point of putting as much distance as possible between yourself and that mud puddle.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tumbling Crap
Ponder on those areas in your life this might apply to.
Just a thought: Mass media provides our largest source of highwayed information! These media empires are professional purveyors of illusion. We freely invite them into our home on a continual basis.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Hidden Person in Picture
Another view of House mountain pinnacle. Can you see the hidden person standing there?
UT Gardens Ancient Truck
I know, I know, all you university students know where this old truck sits. For all you non-students, I'm informing you this ancient vehicle sits in the UT Gardens. What it has to do with gardens is beyond me, unless it has something to do with the tall grass and weeds.
How often are we hitch-hikers regarding what we can get out of life?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Good Vibrations
Many of us are good on the inside.
Some have good intentions.
Others are simply good for nothing!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Bad Math in Middle Age
If an average lifespan reaches somewhere around 80 (give or take a few years) then it means that the TRUE halfway point is around 40. Even if the person lives to 90, the halfway point is still only 45. So what type of math would make someone in their 60s to be in the middle of life? And what about the many people who actually pass away in their 60s and 70s… from causes which have traditionally been termed as old-age sicknesses! If your last years are covered with sickness and poor health, then why is longevity a goal to be reached?
Because people have such a bitterness about leaving middle age and entering old age, our modern dictionaries and definitions of old age have moved it from age 60 to around 65 now. Instead of doing us a service, they are just making it seem like more and more people are passing-away in their middle years instead of in their old age.
Remember, just by saying something is so doesn't make it so. If you've hit 60, don't be ashamed… be proud! You've entered old age, and that's not something to be ashamed of… no matter what our 'youth oriented' culture says about it.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not an endorsement of euthanizing the elderly. That right is not given to anyone… of any generation or belief. My opinion is simply to encourage people who have entered into their 'golden years' to not be in denial, but to make the most of it.
Media Bi-assed
Folks who hold a middle ground are normally the least biased, whereas those at the two extremes are unashamedly the most biased.
It's easy to recognize a biased slant when that bias is at the opposite extreme to what a person holds to. The conflicting bias cannot be hidden!
So, is the media truly biased? How is it possible for them not to be?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Just the Facts, Mam
Dad very wisely would keep his mouth shut on matters he was not certain about. I have noticed that in this regard dad was quite different from the majority of people I've come in contact with. The average person will argue and hold stedfast to a view which has little facts to back it up. Sadly, they sometimes continue to hold to their opinion even when they are made aware the truth goes against it.
Opinions can not only cause strife; hurts; and anger, but they greatly contribute to broken relationships.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Lame Fame
Sometimes it's better not to make the news... or to go down in history. You never see these sentiments stated on some lame bumper sticker!
All People are Basically What?
Uh, okay. Could you please define your definition of 'all'? Does that include you too?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Actions Actually Accurately Authenticate
Occasionally our critics have the most accurate picture of what we're authentically like.
Stove Burn
The truly wise person doesn't even have to touch the stove. They actually learned by observing the other person... with the burnt hand! They know that what happened to the other one will most probably also happen to them self.
This is how the most intelligent generation can also have the least wisdom. We are burning our self over and over again. Once again I repeat... intelligence and wisdom are two separate traits.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Ice Castles
If you think this is impressive, you ought to see the entire structure. This is only but a fraction of the massive schloss.
Some people say how great it would be to live in a place like this. Naturally, they're also thinking they would have a large staff of servants doing the cleaning and repair work. I say "be humble". If I lived there I would probably be one of those servants cleaning up your mess. So, please think of me and don't be too slobbish in your opulence. Thanks.
Fallen From Lofty Heights - Autumn to post 7/22
Got up off the ground.
Took an awkward look around.
Things no longer appeared the same.
The road which had been clear. Blurred into conflicting lanes.
Each road branched off many different ways. Paths leading home, so they claimed.
But we gave it all away. Freely given to that man of shame.
We're doomed to live in ignorance. Eyes wide open but cannot see.
Ears which hear but deafly blocked. Knowing there must be something more.
Thinking we're good 'cause our standard is not the Lords’.
Oh, our ways are not the Lords’!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Flatlining Flattery
Go ahead & Judge Me
I am in no way ashamed of what I post. Go ahead... judge me. I don't care. And if you care enough to post something on your page, you really shouldn't care who is judging. That's the way life is. Deal with it.
Their ploy has been used by hucksters from the beginning of time, and many have fallen prey to it.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Who Do You Trust?
Know your source. Go with the most reliable and accurate.
Some vessels just don't hold water!
the Blacksmith
The importance of professions often changes.
At one time this blacksmith had one of the most important jobs in the village.
Not anymore. His profession is virtually extinct.
Perhaps your job won’t be needed in ten or twenty years. You’ll have to find something else.
There are a couple jobs which have been universally valued throughout cultures and time. No matter when you live, a good parent (is that a job?) and the people who produce our food are always in high demand. It’s interesting the two most important jobs are amongst the lowest in the salary department. We tend to devalue those things which we take for granted.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Make 'em Laugh
Ironically, some old-grumpy person might not make any friends, but they are taken serious in what they have to say.
The Tide Rushes In
Another one of the surf. Or, is it actually a painting of the sky? Or maybe it's light. Perhaps it's colour.
Awwww, since it's out at sea, we'll just say it is a painting of the surf.
Old Surf, New Waves
How majestic is the sound of the surf as it hits upon the shore. It's might is amazing. The devastation it can bring is terrifying. The surf has brought much joy to people throughout the millenniums, but it's havoc has also brought sorrow. It's presence is to be respected.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
How Do You Kill?
Fallen Choir
I hope to post it within the next week.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
No Thanks Pandora
Pandora also attempts to group artists from the same decade together. Nope, doesn’t work for me. The 70s might have had some of the best music around, but it also had some of the worst.
And I make it even more difficult for Pandora because I don’t even really like all the songs by the SAME ARTIST! I view the majority of recording artists thusly… “that’s one of their good songs, but that’s one of their crappy ones.”
Pandora? Good concept, but doesn’t work for me.
Another Heaven Post
Here's a little advice... it's not about us!!
It's all about someone else who has already clearly made known what his standards, likes, and dislikes are. Our part? Trust and obey, and he will help us conform to fitting in to his realm, not the other way around.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Fallen From Lofty Heights - Winter
Our past, present, and future human frailties are explained in the lyrics of 'Fallen From Lofty Heights' (song #3 from the Alpha & Omega Suite). The instrumental (no lyrics) Winter version has been uploaded to Soundcloud.
Alcohol is freely bought and abused with the result that automobiles driven by drunk drivers maim and murder innocent victims in alarming numbers. Cars might actually be America's number one unintentional 'weapon'.
Internet porn is so easily accessible that never in recorded history have children had such fast access to what was once called 'smut'. Numerous websites are populated with preteens and teenagers blogging about porn and exchanging it as freely as if they were passing a note in class. Studies haven't even been set-up yet to learn of the long-term effects, and the scars which will carry into adulthood.
Truth in marketing is only but loosely enforced, and almost impossible to enforce on websites that sell from foreign locations. Easily addictive buyers are quickly spending beyond what they intended, only to pay the price down the road.
Our addictive nature is taken advantage of by far more than just the tobacco industry. At every turn we run into businesses, both small and large, just waiting for us to become addicted to what they have to offer!
(Here's my rebellious nature at work)
I am not, and have never been a smoker! But I am so alarmed by the rapid enforcement against smoking that whenever I enter a restaurant and am greeted by the seating hostess, I tell her that I would like a table for two... in the SMOKING AREA!! Her response is "I'm sorry sir. We don't have a smoking section." Yep. I knew it already. The government has gotten rid of this once-standard part of dining out... now they need to work on the above-mentioned areas of societal harm... if protecting us from harmful addictions is really what their true aim is!
Or don't they care?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Boyhood Farm
My granddad lived here as a boy. I lived here as a young man. Like most structures of it's period, it was originally painted white. Now, only the trim remains white. New life came to the old structure. It was worth it.
Snow Blanket
It sure doesn't snow like it once did around here. Maybe that's 'cause the rains and storms have become more intense. Perhaps it's global warming. But then again it could be global cooling... or something like that. I will say that when it does snow, you sure can't beat the intense beauty of it all. Go ahead and brush off the snow and take a seat.
Roman Chapter 1
What can I say except "WoW"!
It has to be the definite summery of what humanity is overcome by.
It pertains so much to our modern society; attitudes; and lifestyles, you would think it had just been written.
It sheds so much light, there's really no excuse not to know.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How to Laugh at Others 101
Remove the race card and anyone can be fair game.
Standing on the Rock!
How 'bout you?
Have you stood on the rock?
This one is not at the top... but it's so close, you're almost there.
This picture is from a warm sunny day, but we've also been up there on wet, rainy days and let me tell you... everything around the rocks can get quite slippery, nasty, and muddy! The only way to stay safe and secure is to either be on the rock, or sheltered underneath one of the large rock overhangs. When you are covered by the rock you stay safe, secure and dry.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Artists: Aren't You Glad I'm Not in Charge
If it were up to me, I would go into the art museums and for the most part clear many of the walls and start afresh.
There would be quite a few unhappy artists.
Of course there would probably be even more folks cheering me along and feeling that maybe an art museum would now be a decent place to visit once again.
No Pier Pressure Here
It will take you about as far out as you can get without a boat. After that, it's your choice to cast your net or line, launch your craft, or simply jump in and join the fish.
River of Life
Serene peace along a waterway used to quench the thirst of the field beasts... and any other animal or fowl who happens to pass by.
What would this world be without such calm rivers of life?
Quit Your Squealing
If you too harbor such a fear, I have a real wake-up call for you to heed…
those aren't the folks you should be fearing.
It is those folks who have MUCH in COMMON with yourself where the unseen danger lies! You don't have to make a trip to the rural unknown to have your life altered and changed for the worst through the acceptance of the unacceptable.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Fad Facts, Ideas, and Opinions
Because of my westernized hippie-era upbringing of allowing all (actually most) thoughts their light of day, I scrutinize, ponder, and research this new shocking and newly accepted concept to see if it might be more correct than what I believe. I look for holes and if they are there to be uncovered, then I discard this as just one of the many fads which come and (hopefully) go. I then try to analyze and compartmentalize this 'new knowledge' and put it into an area of being harmful or beneficial. Normally it can be seen as being potentially beneficial to some and harmful to others. Then it must be asked "who is going to benefit the most from this" and "who will reap the most profit."
Again, this is why one must be grounded in their facts; beliefs; history; fictitious ideas; knowledge of natural human errors; current social conditions; research; spiritual insight; and the revealing word of God. We are told to be like the 'Bereans' and pick apart any new knowledge or revelations which creep into our world. This is all part of the process of being wise and discerning.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Topsy Turvy
I'm afraid I might have to reinterpret another common word in the same light. I'm referring to the word 'hater' (popularly spelled H8R) which seems to be used quite frequently the last couple of years. I had always understood this word as having a negative connotation about a person who is filled with rage and anger. Now it seems this word is being used to label anyone who doesn't agree with you and is outspoken about their disagreement. Unfortunately, some of society's best, most beneficial citizens are unjustly slandered as H8Rs... and often by someone who seems to actually be the real hater.
Isaiah 5:20 summed it thus: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."
It seems the H8R is not the real villain here.
A Little Proverbs
There is more hope for a fool than for them."
----(Naw, this isn't one of mine. It's from Proverbs 26:12, though it could be one of mine.)
"There is a generation who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not washed from their filthiness." (Proverbs 30:12)
----(This is the same 'generation' that freely proclaims "do not judge me". Have you ever heard someone say this?
Filter Your Thoughts
With the filter set to ON your search can bring an abridged version of what's out there, causing you to think "the internet's not all that bad". But when you turn that filter to OFF... you better watch out! It reveals the internet and humanity at it's most vile and offensive. No matter what you enter into the engine, you have a smattering of results you might never hope to see* again.
*Image search is by far the worst.
Atheism on the Web
It is pretend. It is made-up... it does not exist. It is a fantasy that proclaims "there is no god" and yet it is spoken by someone who's very existence and actions shout "there is a god!"
I've never been 900 billion miles out into outer space. I'm not even sure I can even see it with the naked eye and yet I don't question that it's there. Some things are obvious whether our eye can see them or not. ((Yeah, there is a center to the earth, though I've never seen it... or even seen photos of it)).
There are multitudes of atheists on the Internet. I've seen their web pages. I can easily understand why they like to pretend there is no God, for if there IS a God then they're in big trouble! Get rid of God; bury his expectations of established morality; eliminate his promised day of judgment; and bingo... you're free to do anything you want to do (which is what their ultimate goal is)! Since they refuse to repent of their actions, being an atheist is the only way out.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Lies are easily believed by the vast masses. It is commonly the lone individual who exposes the deceit and reveals the truth. This is because people tend to go with 'safety in numbers', including what they think and believe, no matter if it's true or not.
Be sure and listen to that lone voice "crying in the wilderness". Their input is often the most important measure a society can utilize for it's health.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
You Are Accountable
‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes,
and the children's teeth are set on edge.’
Each man who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge.
-Jeremiah 31:29,30
Having trouble understanding? Well...
You cannot blame your parents; corrupt authorities; an abusive spouse; the school bully, etc!
You are accountable for your own actions… even if you've put up with crap! You are accountable.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Art of Exaggeration
The words and phrases that an exaggerator use are bothersome to a literalist. The literalist does not elevate the abstract... of which exaggeration is a prime example. They take things at their face value. They take them literally. When an exaggerator makes a blanket statement, (using always, never, every, etc) the literalists interprets this as inaccurate. The exagerator never intended for the statement to be taken at face value, they simply meant for it to utilize the impact of over-emphasis to drive home a truth.
Many years ago when I was teaching a Sunday school class, we came to the verse 'Titus 1:12' which reads "One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” The apostle Paul is quoting a Cretan poet who not only uses the explicative 'always' but greatly exaggerates all that he says about his fellow Cretans. I was not bothered by Paul's quotation... it was nothing more than an exaggeration to make a point. This verse bothered the literalists in the class. They were unable to accept that Paul would mean this literally. One student even suggested Paul was poking fun of the Cretan poet (what!!?). Though this exaggeration was not said by Paul, he was freely and unapologetically quoting it with full acceptance! This acceptance of an exaggeration and the fact that it even ended-up in scripture was hard for a literalist to accept. The class came to an end with the literalists unconvinced that an exaggeration had made it into scripture.
I enjoy a good exaggeration. If you want to be exposed to some of the best, read any of Mark Twain's literary prose. The man is one of the best. He would have no problem with the statement, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” Actually, it could have been written by himself.
Lake Castle
Once again, another castle image.
I've left out most detail, leaving shapes and mass. But that's pretty accurate since this old structure was built with few windows or ornate decor. It's quite rustic and massive.
Real Fantasy Castle
Yeah, it looks like a fantasy piece. That's simply because of the colours used. I'm sure the residents who live in it's shadow can attest to it's reality.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
(1) A society begins in it's unstructured dark ages.
(2) Then it has something or someone propel it to heights of glory and achievement.
(3) When things are at their peak, the basest of lowly human traits are elevated, accepted, and take over.
(4) The society falls, either into oblivion, or into a position far below that which it occupied in it's glory days.
It happened in Camelot and it has commonly taken place throughout recorded history. Most indications are that our society is teetering around area 3. Falling to #4 could be in the distant future, or with the speed things have been changing, it could arrive rapidly.
Driving Through the Valley
How many times have I driven past this old barn?
It has been a while. I wonder if it's still standing.
It gives the impression it's been there forever, but in actuality it isn't as old as it might appear. I would be surprised if it's even a century old.
Now, the mountains themselves are another story all together. These are considered to be some of the oldest in the United States.
Small Town Main Street
I grew-up here. It's been some time since going-back.
Just like anywhere else, things have changed.
Thomas Wolfe wrote "You Can't Go Home Again" of which he's basically right.
Monday, July 4, 2011
I know, it doesn't seem right. The original should almost always be the best, but occasionally it does seem like that which was based upon it has exceeded it in some way.
What can you think of which this applys to?
Sunday, July 3, 2011
A Firm Foundation
It is a time of grounding your self in a firm foundation beyond your own opinion and making.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Open the Door
Don't ever complain that life has given you lemons and you can't find a use for them!
Take what you've got and make the most of it.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Hey, don't hold me accountable
Yeah, sure.
5. Honorable
6. Pure
7. Reputable
All throughout history integrity has been a valued trait, but rare and uncommon amongst the populace. We have a tendency to value integrity in others far more than in ourselves. It is perhaps the one difference between those who benefit society and those who are a burden on society.
As this becomes rare and hard to find, let's make a point of letting our own integrity grow and blossom.
Sleeping in the Desert
Solitude, silence... feeling like you might be the only one alive in this world. Spend a night or two in the desert and you'll know what I mean.
Go to Hell
If you hate going to church and can't stand being there even for an hour, why would you like going to a somewhat similar place for an eternity?
If you are bothered by certain traits of God (holiness, righteousness, sinlessness, or whatever) why would those same traits not bother you in the next life?
Either your feelings will adjust greatly... or heaven's not a place you'd even want to be at.
Doing it All