Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bad Math in Middle Age

It's amazing how many people who have entered into 'old age' practice denial and believe they're still in their 'middle age' years.

If an average lifespan reaches somewhere around 80 (give or take a few years) then it means that the TRUE halfway point is around 40. Even if the person lives to 90, the halfway point is still only 45. So what type of math would make someone in their 60s to be in the middle of life? And what about the many people who actually pass away in their 60s and 70s… from causes which have traditionally been termed as old-age sicknesses! If your last years are covered with sickness and poor health, then why is longevity a goal to be reached?

Because people have such a bitterness about leaving middle age and entering old age, our modern dictionaries and definitions of old age have moved it from age 60 to around 65 now. Instead of doing us a service, they are just making it seem like more and more people are passing-away in their middle years instead of in their old age.

Remember, just by saying something is so doesn't make it so. If you've hit 60, don't be ashamed… be proud! You've entered old age, and that's not something to be ashamed of… no matter what our 'youth oriented' culture says about it.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an endorsement of euthanizing the elderly. That right is not given to anyone… of any generation or belief. My opinion is simply to encourage people who have entered into their 'golden years' to not be in denial, but to make the most of it.

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