Monday, December 31, 2012

Artbreak: View from Top of the World (before 9/11) by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: View from Top of the World (before 9/11) by pdw ( tAaOS )

View from Top of the World (before 9/11)
Opening scene of 'Fallen from Lofty Heights' video.

Artbreak: Humbleness by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Humbleness by pdw ( tAaOS )

Humbleness is rarely rewarded, and even scoffed-at disdainfully by the arrogant, but it's benefits are far reaching. It greatly contributes to the character and wisdom of it's practitioner; it makes them more spiritually aware; it's effects reach out to other folks and makes their life better; and is a chief trait and key to entering the kingdom of God.

Yes, it's quite hard to be authentically humble when living in a world which seldom rewards it, nonetheless it is an important trait to be sought-after at all costs! Be humble.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Artbreak: The River Flows by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: The River Flows by pdw ( tAaOS )

Beauty all Around,
The River Flows.
Here's one that has nothing to do with hands.

Artbreak: Sustained by the Hands of God by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Sustained by the Hands of God by pdw ( tAaOS )

Sustained by the Hands of God.
Several of the Fallen from Lofty Heights renderings deal with hands in action.

Artbreak: Enriched with Golden Sod by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Enriched with Golden Sod by pdw ( tAaOS )

Enriched with Golden Sod.
Several of the Fallen from Lofty Heights renderings deal with hands in action.

Artbreak: Fashioned from the Ground by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Fashioned from the Ground by pdw ( tAaOS )

Fashioned from the Ground.
Several of the Fallen from Lofty Heights renderings deal with hands in action.

Artbreak: Fallen from Lofty Heights (title card) by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Fallen from Lofty Heights (title card) by pdw ( tAaOS )

One week ago I started the art process for Fallen from Lofty Heights video. Today I finished the 16th rendering... perhaps a new record for me... an advantage to being unemployed.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Artbreak: Weak by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Weak by pdw ( tAaOS )

When I say one thing but do another,
I'm not always showing my hypocrisy.
I'm just showing my weakness.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Voices by pdw's atelier
Voices, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

With some people there's always the real authentic truth... and then there's their version of the story!
(Art from 'Fallen from Lofty Heights' music video)


Conclusions by pdw's atelier
Conclusions, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Just because you have experienced something does not mean you have arrived at the correct conclusion.

Just because you have NOT experienced something does not mean you have arrived at the correct conclusion.
(Art from 'Fallen from Lofty Heights' music video)

Artbreak: Voices by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Voices by pdw ( tAaOS )

With some people there's always the real authentic truth... and then there's their version of the story!
(Art from 'Fallen from Lofty Heights' music video)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Artbreak: 'Believed the Serpent's Lies' by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: 'Believed the Serpent's Lies' by pdw ( tAaOS )

'Believed the Serpent's Lies' from the second verse of Fallen From Lofty Heights video.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Artbreak: Adam in the Garden by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Adam in the Garden by pdw ( tAaOS )

I woke up inspired to begin my next video, 'Fallen from Lofty Heights' and then completed the first rendering for it... 'Adam in the Garden'. The next several art pieces will take place in the garden and will be quite colorful.

Friday, December 21, 2012

No Worry Mate

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. (Matthew 6:34)

Planning for tomorrow is time well spent; worrying about tomorrow is time wasted. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference. Careful planning is thinking ahead about goals, steps, and schedules, and trusting in God's guidance. When done well, planning can help alleviate worry. Worriers, by contrast, are consumed by fear and find it difficult to trust God. They let their plans interfere with their relationship with God. Don't let worries about tomorrow affect your relationship with God today.


For the second time in only a dozen years people are laughing at the doomsday which never arrived. It's okay to do a little scoffing and laughing... the events leading up to the date just didn't align or justify all the publicized hype. But that said, be sure you're never too cynical or short-sighted that when the events do point to that coming day, you're sitting back and not prepared for it. There's no excuse for being deceived, but there's also no excuse for not being ready (and no, I'm not talking about building a fall-out shelter).

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sincere Prayer

“When you pray, don’t babble on and on meaninglessly as people of false religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!
(Matthew 6:5-8)

Repeating the same words over and over like a magic incantation is no way to ensure that God will hear your prayer. It's not wrong to come to God many times with the same requests- Jesus encourages persistent prayer. But he condemns the shallow repetition of words that are not offered with a sincere heart. We can never pray too much if our prayers are honest and sincere. Before you start to pray, make sure you mean what you say. (Life Application notes)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Artbreak: Guilt by pdw ( tAaOS )

Artbreak: Guilt by pdw ( tAaOS )

A well executed 'guilt statement' can take the wind out of anyone's sail and guaranteed to make them feel their worst. A fist to the face is touted as unaccepted abuse, but statements of guilt are practically never categorized as abusive... even though their effects can damage for a lifetime.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas? What's That?

Christmas? What's That? by pdw's atelier
Christmas? What's That?, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

What Christmas is Actually About
One day in the synagogue in Nazareth, as was the custom, the time had come for Jesus to read. He walked to the front of the synagogue, opened up the scroll, and began to read from Isaiah: " 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord' " (Luke 4:18-19).

When He had finished, He sat down and said, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing" (verse 21). In no uncertain terms He had declared Himself to be the Messiah! He alone would fulfill a prophesied mission which no other person could accomplish. He alone would provide a way out from our hopeless spiritual condition. His public ministry had begun!

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking by pdw's atelier
Positive Thinking, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Positive Thinking
When denial is mixed firmly-in with an attitude of positive thinking, the result is a philosophy which has very little credence or true meaning behind it. Positive thinking is a frame of mind which should only be loosely practiced; quickly shelved when compassion and empathy are needed; not used as a cover-up; and never practiced with blinded eyes.

You can have an attitude of positive thinking all you want, but don't flaunt it to someone who views very little positive in the world you inhabit.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What's Wrong With an International Job Market

What's Wrong With an International Job Market

Since I've been using '' to bid on graphics, art, and illustration jobs, a trend stands out as being quite noticeable. Here is an example of the types of international bids being returned for practically any type of freelance job:
$110... from Japan
$100... from USA
$90... from Europe
$85... from Australia
$80... from Canada
$10... from India
etc, etc, etc.

What!? $10 from India!!!
Yep, consistently unbeatably low.

So, I do some research and find out that an incredible 45% of all jobs are going to bids from India.

Becoming a Wal-Mart greeter sounds better all the time. I promise to smile, compliment, and not be too grumpy!

How Good are We?

When someone does something so positive and nice that it makes the national news, the standard response is “It makes you feel good about the world.” The down side to this statement is that most news items are so bad that an uplifting item is quite rare and stands out as unusual. The more you think about it, a good news item makes you feel even worse about the world, not good about it, since this is the way the world could be if we weren’t the way we normally are.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cell Sell

Cell Sell by pdw's atelier
Cell Sell, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Cell Sell
“Do you think that I like to see wicked people die?" says the Sovereign Lord. "Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live." (Ezekiel 18:23)

If you think God is only referring to lawbreakers locked away in some prison cell, then you sell God far too short. He desires for each and every one of us to turn, follow and pursue Him, and begin to live.

Cell Sell

Cell Sell
“Do you think that I like to see wicked people die?" says the Sovereign Lord. "Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live." (Ezekiel 18:23)

If you think God is only referring to lawbreakers locked away in some prison cell, then you sell God far too short. He desires for each and every one of us to turn, follow and pursue Him, and begin to live.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


If you take God out of the equation, it's not a matter that you've now eliminated morality, it simply means you have broadened or narrowed it's scope to the place that it becomes viably debatable and unsubstantiated, and could include or exclude anything you want it to. Arguably, no one is an expert or authority on that type of morality and there's very little wrong with breaking the law on a legal system based upon it. But when morality is defined by a higher authority, then it becomes set in stone; is unchangeable; fulfills a much higher purpose; and transcends time, place, culture and people's immediate whims. It now becomes an anchor to laws which have an authentic authority allowing them to be unarguably enforced and obeyed.

You can easily diminish or eliminate morality from your life, and perhaps believe you are none the worse for doing so, but the very nature of morality insures there will always be a price to be paid somewhere down the road, and at that point you will wish you had adhered to it back when you had the chance.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I just drove through, and shopped in a part of town where it seemed like half the cars had 'handicap passes' hanging from the mirrors. The skeptic/cynic in me refuses to believe that so many young, healthy-appearing folks are honestly handicapped. It's easier to believe that there's just a lot of dishonest entitlement folks living in those neighborhoods. Now, that assessment makes total sense.

(I also noticed that the closest handicap parking spots are just not close enough for the dishonestly handicapped... they have to park in the 'no parking' zone in order to get close enough!)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Hit Wonder

"One Hit Wonder". This is a term that gives much of the world yet another chance to hate America (at least dislike us). We take a musician who had only one big hit on American charts and never followed it with another and then we assume they weren't good enough to release any other mega-hits. We give them the belittling title of One Hit Wonder even though this performer might actually be an international superstar with a huge following in many parts of the world.

The perception is that once again Americans are being arrogant and unconcerned about the rest of the world, where the reality is that we are probably nothing more than ignorant about many global affairs. But hey, that's another story!


Some extreme conditions which result from your decisions prove far better than others.
Example: It is much more comfortable to sit there holding a coat on your lap because it proved too warm than it is to sit there shivering and freezing because you didn't bring your coat along. Preparation is valuable and worthwhile, whether needed or not.

Should Be Yours

"That's your thing" might prove to be the most regrettable sentiment you ever hold.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Watching news... a woman who is a victim of hurricane Sandy makes the statement "Who would have ever thought that in the United States of America that someone could be without power for eleven days!?" I instantly yell at the TV "I sure have no trouble believing it." That's life. Perhaps she's finally living in the same universe as the rest of us.

I'm not being heartless in the least. Her sentiment only emphasizes one of our fallacies in putting confidence in either big business, or especially in big government... unexpected catastrophes only show us how quickly our best efforts prove ineffective. We can never put full confidence in the endeavors of humanity or we will consistently be let down and experience just how greatly we fall short.


We tend to think that life can only happen in a physical/material world simply because that is the arena in which we live and are familiar with, but we tend to ignore that life makes no sense in a universe of dust and rock and would not even be here in the first place unless given from the location of where life is natural and derives from.

Are we simply physical bodies housing an intricate brain which is capable of thought, or do we possess a physical body which is the home and tool for the much more important life which is temporarily housed within? Science has done an excellent job of understanding the physical body but miserably fails at getting to the real operations behind the tissue and DNA.
Give credit where credit is due... but heaven forbid if you simply stop there!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Digital Law

One of the greatest dangers of the digital age is we tend to think and act as if many of the laws, warnings, and principles from ancient times are outdated and no longer apply. Unfortunately, this is one error that is not comprehended or fully understood until it is too late. And if we would take history more serious, we would see that in every civilization where similar thinking and actions took place, these same unrecognized principles proved to be their downfall.

New President

I lift up the president and pray he becomes wise, moderate, and pleasantly temperate in his second term!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Better World

Too many people say they want to make this world a better place but in reality are mainly interested in making it into the kind of place they personally want it to be. The abstract aspects of 'better' is what keep it from becoming a better world for all people.
Many lose out in a selfish person's 'better world'.

Election Day Prayer 2012

Remember to say a sincere prayer before voting from the list of candidates, and once again before pulling the lever. This is one of those prayers that is most definitely a "Your will be done, not my own." And later, accept the outcome no matter what it might be... you have done your part! Don't be smugly elated or despondently depressed.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Don't Say It

We now live in a 'bite your tongue' world. This is supposed to be an improvement but I'm not convinced it's better to look the other way about some important things and be confrontational about other things which really don't matter.

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Politically Correct Conversation

Sometimes I just hate a politically correct response within a conversation. When this happens, it makes me wonder… did I say something which this person has taken offense at? Did I say something which made them answer in the currently correct way that we are supposed to think on that issue? This is especially irritating if the conversation had absolutely nothing to do with their remark. It's as if they are throwing in a buffer for fear the conversation just might head in that direction.

Heaven knows we hear far too much of the societal news media telling us how we're supposed to feel and think about certain hot issues! We sure don't need to hear a person who we are conversing with suddenly throw-in the same old jargon that gets stuffed down our throat far too often. The way I interpret an uncalled for politically correct response is that it's now time for that conversation to come to an end. The other person has now quit being authentic and they feel that an acceptable pseudo-brainwashed response is needed… for some odd reason.

So, uh, do you know what I mean? And please, try not to be too politically correct in your response… it's not always called for.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

How Low Can We Go

I have yet to read a review of Mockingbird Lane mentioning the major flaw in the show... the way the main emphasis has been completely switched and can be summed up in one word... 'threatening'. The original show featured a family who appeared monstrous on the outside but were actually kind and non-threatening on the inside (though admittedly odd). The new characters appear normal to the eye, but in actuality they are wicked killers who have the potential of ripping your throat out at any given moment. (The show begins with little Eddie attempting to murder an entire Boy Scout troop!) This family is truly threatening and dangerous.

The character of Marilyn is no longer needed in the story. The writers make no bones about portraying Lily as the true beauty/seductress of the two. Marilyn's good looks are not unique amongst her family members. But even 'normal' Marilyn is given a not-so-sweet personality who just might be capable of committing atrocities of her own. She seems to take delight in assisting Grandpa in spreading his poisonous and harmful schemes.

No, this new version of the Munsters could never be good neighbors. They might appear to the eye as being normal, but their darkness is far more more threatening. This is one family who should be avoided.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Proverbial Prideful Prison

Pride goes before destruction,
and haughtiness before a fall.
(Proverbs 16:18)

Proud people take little account of their weaknesses and do not anticipate stumbling blocks. They think they are above the frailties of common people. In this state of mind they are easily tripped up. Ironically, proud people seldom realize that pride is their problem, although most folks around them are well aware of it. Inner pride is much like the back of your head... other people see it well, but you can only see it when aided by someone or something else. Outer pride is something else altogether... you make a conscience effort to be prideful; you are well aware of your pride; you don't care that you are proud; and you fail to see you are doing anything wrong by conceitedly basking in your glory, whether deserved or undeserved.

If you are not to proud to ask, go to someone you trust and learn whether self-satisfaction has blinded you to pride's warning signs.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Far Too Much Pride

Far Too Much Pride by pdw's atelier
Far Too Much Pride, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Pride leads to conflict;
those who take advice are wise.
(Proverbs 13:10)

"I was wrong" or "I need advice" are difficult phrases to utter because they require humility.
Pride is an ingredient in every quarrel.
It stirs up conflict and divides people.
Humility, by contrast, heals.
Guard against pride.
If you find yourself constantly arguing, examine your life for pride.
Be open to the advice of others,
ask for help when you need it,
and be willing to admit your mistakes.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Falling by pdw's atelier
Falling, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

The wise don’t make a show of their knowledge,
but fools broadcast their foolishness.
(Proverbs 12:23)

No Bing

You just don't realize how many pervy-people are online until you do a pure, unfiltered image search for anything at all (anything!!) and you get a plethora of inappropriate search results. It's very much like nasty ol' Times Square before they cleaned it up.

-((Yes! Once again I get to use plethora.))-

Friday, October 19, 2012

Microsoft, Pay Attention

NOTE: I wrote the following for a computer forum dealing with the latest Windows 8 release...

What most people seem to be missing, or have missed, is that a certain aspect of PC computers have always been irrelevant! From day one, the basic computer has been capable of delivering power and features suited to a place of business. For decades even the low-end home computers have not been totally relevant to many, many (can I add another many) home users who have had no need whatsoever of the full capabilities of the device they have purchased.

For twenty-five years I have cringed at computer-store salespeople who have no clue what their buyers actually need, and instead sell them on power and features which they personally find attractive. How many times has my aged mother brought home the latest computer which the salesperson convinced her was what she needed, only to find it frustrating to use and eventually giving it to one of the grandchildren who could use the dang thing!

There are multitudes of people who really don't have the same personal needs as what a company or business has with a computer.

Now here's the clencher... and this is one which I have not seen mentioned very much... the cost of the apps!!! I paid several hundred dollars for Photoshop which I use on both a Mac and on a PC, it's a great app. I paid almost three hundred dollars for the music app which I compose my compositions on. But for the past year and a half I use my iPad for doing the majority of what I used those two apps for. Besides the purchase of my PCs/Macs, I have literally spent thousands of dollars on software over the years. I spent $4.99 for the incredible little iPad image app, and $1.99 for the music scoring app used on my iPad. Can you fully comprehend this difference? Perhaps $7 compared to $700 is not that important to businesses, it is quite important to the casual at-home user. (Microsoft... pay very close attention to what I'm saying here, it could make or break your latest toy.)

Yep, if PC people cannot grasp that their needs, and their financial means are not the same as everyone else's then yes, those folks are indeed out of touch.

We will see if Microsoft is in-touch with the average person. We will see if a whole new Windows 8 app store opens which offers some incredible little $2 and $4 apps which are designed specifically for their device.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Smoke and Drink

I would rather spend a hundred hours in the presence of a heavy smoker than a couple hours in traffic surrounded by heavy drinkers.

Please Deceive

A denominator common to all forms of lust is illusion.

What you strongly and longingly lust for is not based upon fact. It is basically focused on the illusion contained within your mind.

The grass which appeared so green and rich when it was on the other side of the fence proves to be full of briars, thorns, and weeds when you have given-in to that urge and climbed the fence to get to it. You have allowed the illusion to win the battle raging within your inner self.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jazz + Bluegrass = Awesome!

I've begun arranging the guitar/midi version of 'Taught by God'. This one is proving quite different... combining traditional jazz with finger-picking bluegrass! Surprisingly, the combination works exceedingly well together. I can't say I've actually heard jazz and bluegrass combined together, but I'm sure someone has done it already... you know what Solomon tells us.

Sea of Despair - Showers of Grace - Spring

Sea of Despair - Showers of Grace - Spring

This lovely composition was given by God's Spirit one early morning when I was immersed in prayer, meditation, Bible study, and an overall quiet time with the Lord.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

No Way In

No Way In by pdw's atelier
No Way In, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Don't ever let your intelligence become a detriment where you become what my grandfather referred to as "an educated fool".

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Cathedral by pdw's atelier
Cathedral, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Several great adjectives worth looking up, analyzing, meditating on, and taking to heart...

"For the devious are an abomination to the Lord;
But He is intimate with the upright."
(Proverbs 3:32)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Satan's Lies #3

Satan's Lies #3 by pdw's atelier
Satan's Lies #3, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Admit it, sometimes you would rather believe his lies than the honest truth.

Search Me

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
(Psalm 139:23,24)

The Psalmist confidently asks God to 'search and know my heart'. He was not confident that God would find nothing wrong, but that He definitely would! Our hope in The Lord is not that we're so good and pure that God will not be able to find anything screwed-up about our self, but that even though we are filled with impurities, God will make those known to us and help us mend and move ahead. By His might we will continue to grow and become the person He desires us to be. Only by being led by the Lord can we hope to walk "along the path of everlasting life."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October Horror

October has become the month when many cable networks air non-stop horror films. If you like the older horror films which didn't show the gore and mayhem (leaving much to your imagination), TCM is a good channel to watch. It's interesting that many of those older horror classics have been remade, but this time around are filled with the bloody, gory details... I guess everyone has their limits to what they can stomach and what they can't. If you like to see the mutilation and dismemberment, there are quite a few other networks which have those films for your viewing enjoyment.

And if you're in the mood to watch television which is much more frightening than any of the horror films, there's plenty of political ads, debates, and campaigning to turn any stomach!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Return of the Prodigal - Spring

Return of the Prodigal - Spring

I completed the Spring midi/guitar arrangement on Carol's birthday! I'm really pleased with the way this version turned-out!
Original composition first recorded in 2006. This 2012 instrumental Spring arrangement recorded with guitars and 'Digital Data Orchestra' accompaniment.

'Return of the Prodigal' displays the three stages of a person's spiritual life. The first part is the natural part of any person's life that we all share in common... our life after our first birth when we are by nature separated from God.

The next part is our broken stage when we finally realize the forgiveness God offers; our authentically repentant response; and our humble need to follow what He offers.

The final part is when we have turned away from our separated state and no longer live for self. Now we have accepted God's gift and are living for Him!

Art Abilities 101

You say you can't draw a straight line?
Sure you can!
That's what rulers are used for.

Monday, October 8, 2012


A politician is a person who occasionally gets cheered when they tell a lie and jeered when they tell the truth.

The Last Days are Our Present Days... How much Longer will They Endure?

In Paul's second letter to Timothy he writes, "that in the last days there will be very difficult times." Then he accurately elaborates and describes the times and people we know and are accustomed to. Our entertainment, politics, philosophies, mind-sets, accepted behavior, teachings, news articles, and principles are mentioned by Paul as difficult, unGodly, wicked, and worth avoiding. This is what we know and accept every day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

No Cost

Many of the best things in life are free. But hey, try telling that to a consumer society that believes if it doesn't have a price attached to it, it ain't worth much.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm quite consistent in my inconsistencies.

I'm quite consistent in my inconsistencies.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Attitude by pdw's atelier
Attitude, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

I understand confidence.
I understand arrogance.
(They're not the same thing.)

What I don't understand is arrogant confidence.
The two become muddled into one and it's difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins.
The arrogance tends to overshadow the confidence and by doing so, all respect is also left behind.
(Some things should never be blended together.)

When combined together, what you're left with is an unbecoming attitude.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Some things are just not right... no matter how many times you tell me that they are!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Down Through the Ages (Spring)

Monday, September 24, 2012

the Seasons - Spring

the Seasons - Spring by pdw's atelier
the Seasons - Spring, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

New cover art created for the SPRING Heavenly Guitars arrangement.

The music can be heard on at:

The videos can be viewed on YouTube at:

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his Holy name.
 (Psalm 100:4)

Many people believe that if there is a heaven, they're gonna be admitted there. Unless you share the same attitude as the Psalmist, heaven's not really the right place for you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Every Time and Place

Shown is the 'Every Time and Place' rendering which coincides with the 'Heavenly Guitars' Spring video.

Music of 'Miracle on the Damascus Road' can be heard on at:

Joy on Every Face

Music of 'Miracle on the Damascus Road' can be heard on at:
Shown is the 'Joy on Every Face' rendering which coincides with the 'Heavenly Guitars' Spring video.

I Really Like Your Jesus, uh... No You Don't!

"I like your Jesus, I just don't like his followers." (paraphrase)
This statement was coined in the last century by a man known for peace and revolution, but who also had a very jilted and poorly thought-out theology. Since then, it has been repeated and proclaimed by many other people who also tend to suffer from a weak doctrinal view of God and His spiritual kingdom.
If you are one who also believes in the "I like your Jesus" sentiment, I am restating a couple variations of it so the full absurdity of it can be felt…
"I really like Martin Luther King, I just don't like the dark people who follow him."
"I really like the Democratic party, I just don't like people who call themselves Democrats."
"I really like television, I just don't like the shows which they air."
In all four cases… Jesus, Dr. King, a political party, and a mass-media entertainment network, we cannot say we like the center but not the outlying branches. What we actually feel is that we don't like the results of the center focus/leader/source/ideal and if we really knew more about who or what is being followed, we really wouldn't like them/it as well.
So, when I hear someone proclaim the "I like your Jesus, but…", I think to myself, "No. You really don't like him either." And if it's someone I know, I might add, "… and your life and actions really show you don't like him as well."

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Overlooking Rio

Overlooking Rio by pdw's atelier
Overlooking Rio, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

"Overlooking Rio" rendered for 'Down Through the Ages'.
Heavenly Guitars arrangement can be heard on at:

Friday, September 14, 2012


One of the unfortunate reasons insurance costs so much is because some folks view their insurance as a means to turn their accident into an opportunity (get rid of the old and make money off of it).

Currently the Door is Open

"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. (Luke 11:9)

The music which goes with the art can be heard at at:


Turning by pdw's atelier
Turning, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Sometimes we must have the bad news in order to receive the good news.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Motivate Me

Why do I cringe at motivational speeches?
Why do I disdain a well-executed motivational presentation?
Perhaps it's what lies behind whats actually being said and presented. Perhaps it's the semblance of mind-control lying underneath.
One of the greatest motivational speakers of the past hundred years was Adolf Hitler. He was superb at stirring the inner being… right to the heart and core of his listeners.
The average politician tries his/her best to use motivational tactics too. Most aren't as successful as Hitler was, but that doesn't mean they don't make the effort.
I really do dislike motivational speeches.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I just completed the 'Heavenly Guitars' Spring arrangement of 'MOtD, which can be heard on at:
The original composition was released in 2008 and various versions of it can also be heard on my page.
(artwork shown from the 'Down Through the Ages' video which will soon be released on YouTube)

Friday, September 7, 2012

"Being a Berean" is a rendering which embellishes the video of 'Down Through the Ages'.
Though the video is not yet completed, the music is, and can be heard on at:

What's Your Vice?

"Vices spread much faster than virtue."

We commonly ignore and forget this principle until it catches up to us and it's damage has been done.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dirty Twitter

Twitter promotes very biased and slanted politics! In your Twitter account settings, be sure you go to your 'email notifications' and uncheck boxes in 'Updates from Twitter' so you won't receive them anymore.

During this nasty campaign season, Twitter is showing their true dirty colors! It's bad enough we have to put-up with the politicians deceiving us, now we have to put-up with Twitter shoving their views down our throats!!

Shown is the rendering which coincides with the "time and space" lyrics from the 'Heavenly Guitars' Spring arrangement of 'Down Through the Ages'.
Though the video is not yet completed, the music is, and can be heard on at:

Shown is the rendering which coincides with the "opens the door" lyrics from the 'Heavenly Guitars' Spring arrangement of 'Down Through the Ages'.
Though the video is not yet completed, the music is, and can be heard on at:

I previously mentioned that art is being created to go along with the 'Heavenly Guitars' Spring arrangement of 'Down Through the Ages'. Shown is the rendering which coincides with the "lions roar" lyrics.
Though the video is not yet completed, the music is, and can be heard on at:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Make sure most things in your life are for the good and benefit of all.

Let your tolerances be positive and your intolerance be even more positive. We all can benefit by those things you allow, as well as those things you won't allow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Quote Me

"Far too many quotes are not worth re-quoting... including this one." -me

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Comment on 'All Roads' Jargon...

Fallacy: "I love the peaceful, loving, and kind Jesus, not the Jesus who Christians portray."

This is a fallacy because the many, many people who think that way really have no love for Jesus at all. They purposely pick an attractive non-confrontational Christ. They only hear the sweet, loving things he occasionally said. They ignore the bulk of his teaching which minces no words about who he actually is; what God expects from us; the terrible predicament we are born into; and the one and only way out of our nasty predicament.

Christ's ministry began upon the all-important message of 'Repent', and it is that very message which the average person intentionally ignores and downplays. It is only those handful of folks who take that message serious and do exactly what we are told to do... not because we are forced to do it, but because our heart shifts and we recognize the truth and have a new desire to do what God wants us to do. (No, most people have no honest desire to please God. It's not a part of our makeup.) It is only after we make that all-important, life-or-death, honest change-of-heart, and make Jesus our highest Lord and King, that we will follow Him wherever He might lead... here, there, east, west, north, south, good times, bad times, tribulation, turmoil, persecution, and finally.... to His eternal Kingdom which requires a second birth in order to enter.

Yep, Jesus never once minced words about how difficult it is to "go to where I am going". In order to get there we must choose a tiny narrow path; go through a small narrow door; quit joining in to the majority rule; and die to our egotistical, selfish self in order to get there.

Jesus might have come as a humble servant, but He can only be a part of us when He truly is King of Kings within our heart!


The nine years put into this album has sure been worth the time. What a beautiful and inspirational way to teach about Jesus. Every song is so captivating that I didn't mind the length of the album at all. Thank you so much for your wonderful product of your faith and the God given talents, which are abundant.

All good Blessings to you and your continued work in His Ministry.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Music Appreciation

It's always great to hear from listeners of my music. This one came from someone who heard it played on

"All I can say is "wow". I am really enjoying your music. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you."

Monday, August 27, 2012

the Psalmist's Sonata (Autumn)

Coins make Noise

The loud, boisterous pastor was known to exclaim as the offering plate was passed around, "I don't like the sound of coins hitting the plate. Paper money doesn't make that kind of noise, and that's what I like to hear... the sound of paper!" His congregation was not known for their large incomes or excess wealth. Coins might have been the best that some could muster.

The pastor's attitude was the direct opposite of Jesus on the day he defended the impoverished widow who was only able to place two measly mites into the temple treasury. Jesus is not impressed by the amount of money that we might give, but by the heart by which it is given. He knows our hearts. He is aware whether we're giving the most we are able to under our circumstances and He also knows whether we're only robbing from God by Scrooginizing against Him.

Yes, I can personally give more than the widow did simply because I am able to, but in no way am I going to be commended for what I do give in the same way that she was. Also, I don't know much about that pastor, but his attitude toward the offering instantly throws-up a red flag in front of my eyes which makes me question the rest of his teachings.

a Dozen Mistakes

Dozen is a word that is occasionally pluralized when it really shouldn't be.


"A dozen people were involved" means that twelve people were involved.

"Dozens of people were involved" means at least twenty-four people were involved, perhaps more... perhaps many, many more!

"More than a dozen people were involved" means somewhere between twelve and twenty four people were involved. The number could be thirteen, or it could be twenty-three, but normally this statement refers to numbers closer to a dozen.

It is that last statement that the news occasionally screws-up. They might report that "Dozens of people were involved" when actually it should have been reported as "More than a dozen people were involved. They do the same thing with the numerical terms hundred and thousand. The news is extremely guilty of this 'play on numerical words' when trying to make an event appear to be more important than it is... or less important. This is one of the obvious areas we can look at to see if the news-media is being slanted on an issue.

Politically Incorrect

Though I am normally quite politically incorrect in my reactions and thinking, I can see that in certain areas, political correctness is the way to go and should be upheld in those specific situations. Just because someone or something is wrong part of the time does not mean they are consistently wrong all of the time.

Pray over all decisions and situations. If nothing less, it will at least start you out on the right track.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Me at Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart #1: Two of the lanes marked "Speedy Checkout" have two of the world's slowest cashiers. Perhaps speedy doesn't mean what I think it does.

Wal-Mart #2: I could spend all afternoon just sitting here staring at people. Confession... staring with amusement and amazement!

Wal-Mart #3: The way I'm dressed, I wouldn't be surprised if someone is staring at me with amusement! I also wouldn't be surprised if I end-up on the infamous 'People of Wal-Mart' website.

Return of the Prodigal (Winter)

Perhaps one of my more powerful compositions now has a completed video. This one has more original art than the previous videos and took a little longer to complete. Whether you agree with the strong gospel message or not, I hope you can enjoy and appreciate 'Return of the Prodigal'.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong

When I heard that Neil Armstrong passed away today it finally donned on me that this person did something which no other person in the history of the entire world had done before. He actually stepped foot onto the surface of the moon! Yep, he was the very first!

I've heard about the first moon landing my entire life but the uniqueness of it didn't hit home until just now when learning of his death. I guess I was so young when it happened, I must have trivialized the whole event in my mind.

Mr. Armstrong's tombstone will have one statement which no other person can make claim to. It will read, "He was the first person to walk on the moon." Simply incredible!


Most people honestly think they are right... even those who are honestly wrong.

Friday, August 24, 2012

All it Takes is One

For a marriage to last a long time, all it takes is one person who is able to put-up with a lot.

Two people with high endurance is a guarantee of many years together (bar death). If neither of them are able to put-up with much, that marriage is pretty much doomed.

Of course the other guarantee of a long-lasting marriage is when two perfect people are unified, but since that doesn't exist in real life, we have to rely on at least one of the people with a long suffering disposition!


Everyone's an a-hole at one time or another... whether intentional or not intended. But, when you are one, do people just shrug it off as being typical-you, or are they shocked and surprised that such behavior came out of you?

Perhaps some rare occasion requires lousy behavior, but the majority of the time being a jerk is not a goal any of us should strive for. Being the best we can be means getting over a bad case of jerkitus as soon as possible and moving directly in the opposite direction.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Heaven Heart

I'm more and more convinced that most of the folks who try to create an opulent 'heaven on earth' are for the most part the same folks who probably never will experience the 'heaven not on this earth'.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

-Matthew 6:21/Luke 12:34

Disney Robbers

In 1981 a person earning minimum wage had to work 3-1/3 hours to purchase an admission ticket to either of the Disney parks. In 2012 a person earning minimum wage has to work 12-1/2 hours!!! If minimum wage were aligned with the incredible inflationary prices which Disney charges to get into their parks, it would currently be $27.70 per hour!
(No, the argument that the parks are better now doesn't hold up... Disney has been arrogantly greedy with their park price hikes which are not based on wages earned or on inflation.)

It now cost over $14 a day to park your car there. I haven't located the exact amount of quarters it cost back in 1981 to do the same.

Final thought: If we could get Disney to negotiate for us, many of us would be glad to work for the Disney equivalent minimum wage, LOL.

You are Offensive

Sometimes the truth is quite offensive. Therefore, never refrain from offending someone if it: (1) has been asked for, (2) is with the right loving motive, (3) never done with anger or malice, (4) and is honestly for the greater good (the other person's benefit).

Otherwise, irresponsible offensive behavior is best left for those who don't know any better. (Politicians excluded.)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

That's Your Interpretation

Some things can be interpreted different ways. Other things can never be interpreted in various ways. Those are the things which you must absolutely be 100% sure you are interpreting correctly. Wars have been fought for less.

Another Turtle on a Fence Post

A turtle on a fence pole is much like an eagle in a dense hole.

Both of them are not in their natural environment, and
both of them are in a location they would rather not be in.

Jesus Light

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
— Matthew 5:16

No, our good works won't get us into heaven (unlike several religions believe) but our good works are still important. They glorify God and point the way to Him... if we're not getting all the glory for our self (in that case neither is God glorified, nor do we receive any type of eternal reward). Since Jesus is THE light of the world, when we let our light shine, we are showing the true Jesus to the world in a beneficial and authentic way!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Expensive Entertainment

1963... Minor amusement parks were around $2.50 for adults and $1.25 for kids (I have the admission tickets). Parking was free. Drinks in the park were 10¢. The same parks now are around $30 for kids. $40 for adults. $5 to $10 parking. $3 to $5 for drinks. Multiply 4x for a family of four. When it comes to amusement, our dollar doesn't go near as far now as it did then (I paid 15¢ for movies throughout early sixties, 10¢ for popcorn).

Bottom line... entertainment is far more sophisticated now but you work many more hours to be entertained. Inflation runs amuck.

PS... And it took only one income to support that family of four and pay for that day at the amusement park. Now it takes two incomes, or one income using a credit card which is money they haven't earned.


One alarming thing which becomes apparent when reading forums and online comments is just how much 'flawed thinking' takes place in general. I'm not sure it knows no bounds between the highly-educated or the lesser-educated, it seems to come from all corners.
(No, I'm not referring to grammar. I am not referring to anything which spell-check could correct. I'm talking about those things which spell-check has no clue about.)

Monday, August 20, 2012


Much of the time when someone is nominated for an award of achievement, their nomination is more a statement about the person or committee that does the nominating than it is about the recipient.

Awards are given for perceived excellence. Sadly, most excellence goes unnoticed and it is only that wee bit of perceived excellence that just happens to be noticed by the right person that ends up receiving recognition.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


When 'the experts' say something contrary with what you know is right, it makes you question who these experts are and why aren't they able to do a better job in their field. Unfortunately, the experts are the ones who get widely quoted, publicized, and acknowledged with having the final word on a given subject.
Yeah, sure.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Art

Fifty five iPad paintings and probably another twenty to go!
I've been working for over a month on the artwork to accompany the 'Return of the Prodigal' music video. This one's taking longer than the others for two reasons... the length of the song is longer than many of the others, and the art has far more people in it. People normally take longer than objects or nature to paint.

I have also changed the app which is being used for the video edits. Perhaps I'm editing slower than normal. Maybe in a couple of weeks it will be ready to post.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

One Step Beyond

One truth we seldom hear (but most likely are told just the opposite), is...

Those who are aware of their limitations and limited means can often push right to the wall and as a result achieve excellence. But those who aren't aware of their boundaries, or choose to ignore them, often push past their wall and are only guilty of excess and over indulgence. Because of society's unwarranted decree to go a step beyond, we see this happening more and more. Granted, on rare occasions some positive does emerge, but more commonly the end result is we are bombarded with lavish, opulent, and excessive extravaganzas of personage, places, or events produced at tremendous cost and which most probably shouldn't have happened in the first place. When we don't know why a wall is there, we are quick to scale it and land in areas of corruption and infectious wastelands.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I won some $$$

What do you think of this scenario?

I win $310 million in a lottery. I decide to give it all away to two co-workers. I give $300 million to one co-worker and $10 million to the other. I have only one stipulation... in order to get and keep the money, the two of them must maintain a 'best friends' relationship for the rest of their lives. They must honestly and sincerely remain the great friends which they have always been.

Do you see anything which might make this simple request difficult for them to maintain? Would this be harder on one than on the other?

Oh yeah, be nice to me... I might just be in a generous mood.

Monday, August 13, 2012

You're a Mess

I've heard old-timers refer to someone with lots of outward and/or inward problems as "she's a mess" or "he's a mess". If you carry this logic to it's full conclusion, it leaves very few entertainers who wouldn't be labeled in such a manner. When talking about someone in the entertainment industry it might be easier to reverse label and refer to those with very few emotional problems as "she's not a mess" or "he's not a mess". Of course, such a statement would be said with shock and surprise for maximum impact! LOL

More Politics 102

I have some facebook friends who are quite radical in certain ways... and yet they still vote for one of the two established political parties which have been around for centuries! Perhaps they're not as radical as they believe (or I believe). Perhaps they buy-into more rhetoric than what they care to admit.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Polluted River of ________!

The Internet ocean is filled with sparkling treasures and priceless gems. The problem is you so often have to wade through a cesspool of rubbish in order to locate the gold. Far too many users are getting swept-up in the riptide of the internet's filthy waters and are pulled low into it's murky depths of character assassination and destruction. WWW's devastation is already leaving it's ugly mark on a near-global scale and a torrent of victims are left treading water in it's wake. We have taken both a step forward and a step backward at the same time.

Our challenge is to filter, block, edit, censor, hide and avoid Internet content (from our self) that is not worth subjecting our minds to before we become numb to it's pollution. The catch-22 is... once a mind has become polluted, it is often unaware that it has been. Denial becomes the norm.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


'Is it a Compliment or Is it a Put-Down Department'
"The world would be a much better place if there wasn't so much diversity…
And more people were just like you!"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vacation Blues

Some times you just can't have sympathy for someone.

Take the co-worker who goes away on a vacation and while they're away you have to work extra hard to keep up. So what do they do when they return to the office? They just have to tell you how worn-out and tired they are from that exhaustive holiday they were on... they just did far too many things. Then they joke that they're going to have to take a vacation to get over the vacation they just took!

Some times you just can't have sympathy for someone.
Some times you just shouldn't have sympathy for someone!

Monday, August 6, 2012


When a person consistently calls something by the wrong name, we must evaluate whether they are doing it intentionally or through error-association related to memory. It's an easy fix if the problem comes by poor memory association. All they have to do is make an effort to correctly associate the name with a more accurate reference. But if the problem is due to a smug intention to get the name wrong, this is a different matter all together. Intentional misnomer* indicates they have every desire to keep calling it by the incorrect name.

They are showing that the person, place, or thing is of little importance to them and are emphasizing how little they care by the fact that the name is not important enough to remember. The person is putting-down the recipient of this error in a major way since a name is of unquestionable importance and often states exactly who you are. This is the type of memory error which cannot be corrected because it is not only intentional, but has nothing to do with poor memory in the first place! That is not where the problem lies.


1. An error in naming a person or place.
2. Application of a wrong name.
3. A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sea of Despair - Showers of Grace (Autumn)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Have a Gay (fun) time at Chick-fil-A

So, uh, well... I was wondering, ahem, (clears throat),
here goes...
Speaking of Chick-fil-A. How is that hand-spun peach milkshake they have out for the summer months? Does it have large chunks of peach in it? Is it worth trying out?

(Now to get totally off topic) How many remember the Allman Brothers' classic 'Eat a Peach' LP? Some good southern-rock, chickn' eatn', toe-tappn', Georgia-based music there! Wasn't it a double LP too?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Olympic Fans from Hell

No more Olympics for me!
Well, not exactly, but there is something that's driving me crazy and I'm not sure if it's always been there or if I just started noticing it and am dwelling on it. I'm talking about the continuous whistling that some fans are doing while the event takes place. It sounds like more than one fan is sitting in the bleachers and blaring out this incredibly irritating high-pitch whistle which continues for the duration of the event. My ears have now tuned-in to the nasty whistle and I can't hear the announcer or much of anything else.

Please, make it stop!! lol

Where do You Look?

The church is so full of hypocrites!

The only place you can find a lot more hypocrites than in the church is when you look outside of the church.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Boring Movies

Now here's something I would never have said a few years ago...
I like watching movies at home, that way I don't have to devote my full attention to them.
(Did I really say that?)

More than a Song

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you."
(John 15:18)

If you reflect the 'peace, love, understanding' that Jesus occasionally preached then you might not know what this verse emphasizes. But if you adhere to one or more of his numerous less popular stands then you realize what this verse is all about. If you never run into any opposition to your faith, then you should evaluate whether you're not reflecting Christ very clearly.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Excess

Okay, I'm about to make some enemies.
I'm watching the opening ceremonies and I will sum it up with two words:
(1) Impressive
(2) Excessive*

Yep. They could have ended it after the first thirty minutes and they would have been none for the worse. The impressiveness faded after the Olympic circles in the sky descended. After that is was merely excess.

* Unnecessarily excessive.


Acceptance can be the best thing in the world, or the worst thing... all depending on what you choose to accept.

News Events

I have very little affection for both the good and the bad events which have dominated the news this past week or so. Perhaps that's not a bad thing. Perhaps I'm actually becoming more of the way Christ desires when He instructs us to have very little passion for the things of this world. Our heart should not be set upon the Olympian grandiosity of this world but upon those things which are of true importance and last well beyond the here-today-gone-tomorrow shallowness of our fifteen minutes of menial fame.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Politics 101

If you developed and matured your political views while sitting in a classroom, there's a good chance your views are skewed and not worth much. Political viewpoints can only legitimately be developed by and through life's experiences. They cannot have true validity or maturity if they are simply learned and copied from a classroom professor; talk-show host; or even based solely on a loved-one's opinions. You must experience the good and bad side of life in order to see-through the political rhetoric and nonsensical jargon which is preached from the political podium. Politicians despise genuine independently-minded free-thinkers who are not as susceptible to their pretty words as what the general public normally is.

Republicans Once Were Democrats?

My grandfather was an extremely conservative democrat. Yep, you heard me right… extremely right-wing conservative democrat! He was born and raised that way, and died that way.

I'm not sure that such a beast exists anymore. I believe those folks died-out with my grandfather.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Watch What You Watch

Our viewing habits... the things we see on television; watch at the movies; rent on video; view on the internet; and attend in public, say a lot about us as a nation. The polls, ratings, statistics, and attendance numbers easily show us what we enjoy being entertained by. What we see is who we are.

This sure doesn't say much about us. Perhaps we should resurrect the word 'shame' once again. It serves a purpose which isn't being addressed anymore and our viewing and spending habits sure confirm it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bread Plate But No Bread

About a dozen of us ate at an upscale restaurant that is known for it's fine cuisine, but not for it's bread. It doesn't serve bread of any type since it serves eastern, not western food. But, when you sit down, all utensils are laid out, along with the traditional bread plate. Well, a dozen folks get almost a dozen different entries and guess what… not a person ordered anything which that extra plate was used for! At one point the waitress even comes around and removes those unused clean plates (did they have to all be washed?).

Do those plates actually serve any purpose or has the restaurant just copied the table-setting style from establishments which put those plates to use? If so, then they're kinda like cheap flea market electronics that copy the name-brands, even to the point of including buttons and knobs that serve absolutely no purpose except to make them look like the real thing!

I for one could have used some good bread or rolls on them things. I was pretty hungry by the time the food was served.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Many of our Hollywood elite are very poor role models in their personal life.
The majority of them, at one time or another, have come across as a poor role model while in front of the screen... some with every performance they're in.
What we find entertaining is not all that different than what the spectators enjoyed while watching the slaughter and combat within the ancient Roman Colosseum.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


There are multitudes of causes to get involved in.
The ones we choose are the ones we respect.
We also respect some of the ones we don't get involved in.
But, many of the causes we don't get involved in are ones we simply don't respect.
That can be an indication that we have good discretion... or any number of negative issues in that particular area.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

New World Has Come - Winter

The Alpha & Omega Suite comes to completion with it's thirty-fifth song... New World Has Come. This is a song of peace and tranquility. The preceding song, Judgment Day, is filled with energy and impact since it deals with the turmoil and destruction of when our tainted earth falls upon God's ultimate judgment. But things don't end there for those who have embraced the Lamb of God, for they now bask in the soothing calm obtained in 'the new Jerusalem' which is centered in the New World which Has Come. Thus, the Alpha & Omega Suite ends on the most positive note imaginable!

The visuals highlighting the video's music are a series of artistic renderings of the world's historic castles and places of grandeur and splendor. These majestic (or once-majestic) opulent palaces give but a small glimpse of how enriched the new world will be... though we can't truly comprehend or fathom the true glory which the new Jerusalem will radiate, palaces will have to suffice.


Even apart from the Bible, recorded history shows how the effect of sin pollutes our relationship with the world around us and with our communion with God. The perfect unity that was once known in the garden can only be hoped for at a later time when God decides... and that time will come only when man's ruthless behavior justifies the end of things as we know them. Our actions create the circumstances but God brings about the final outcome (2 Peter 3:7). But… there is still yet hope!

The earth's, and man's problems which were introduced "in the beginning" are resolved in the final book of the Bible. Mercy and forgiveness are freely given to the repentant individual and peace is finally obtained on the "new" earth. The previously unobtainable tree of life is once again located within the reach of all who love and trust God (Rev 22:2). Christ is eternally present, supplying righteous light for all to bask in (Rev 21:23). Harmony has finally been restored. Paradise is regained!

The city has no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it...
For the glory of God has illumined it...
And its lamp is the Lamb. (Revelation 21:23)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Stunning Art

I normally associate the word 'stunning' as something beyond the norm; in a class of it's own; beyond description... in a positive way. But after seeing the word used to describe some art exhibited in a gallery, I must question my perception of the word. Yes, the word is appropriate for me to use in regards to that art, but my meaning would be more like, "His art is absolutely stunning. I am completed stunned at just how bad his art is, and yet it's hanging in a gallery with a high price tag attached." LOL

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I Can See Clearly Now

There are two types of eyeglass wearers and I have now found out which type I am.

I've worn bifocals for several years and haven't had any problems with them. Due to a rapid change in my eyesight, I recently had an exam and got two pairs of glasses. The optometrist promoted the new seamless progressive lens and I've also heard several folks mention how much they enjoy the progressive lens, so I went ahead and got two pairs of these new, improved glasses. Well, after forty days I absolutely hate the dang things! I just can't get used to them, in spite of the mantra, "Try them, you'll get used to them"… they're worse than not wearing glasses at all. Luckily, the eye doctor has a 90 day guarantee so I had him change one pair over to bifocals. I picked them up last evening and guess what… I can finally see again! I can see great!

So, of the two types of people… those who love progressive lens and those who hate them, I am most clearly (pun intended) a big ol' hater!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's Your Source?

(1) He holds strong convictions.
(2) He has strong opinions.
(3) He displays strong prejudices.

All three statements are about the same person.
All are about the same manifested traits.
All three paint an entirely different picture… from the positive, to the negative.
This just shows how easily we can be manipulated with words.

When reading, listening, viewing, studying / learning, be sure you thoroughly know the source it's coming from. Not all sources are created equal, and yet all sources have the same power of persuasion. Learn to read between the lines.


Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God. 
(Genesis 6:9)

Saying that Noah was "righteous" and "blameless" does not mean that he never sinned. Rather, it means that Noah wholeheartedly loved and obeyed God. For a lifetime he walked step by step in faith as a living example to his generation. Like Noah, we live in a world filled with unholy/unrighteous ways. What example do you set?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's Your Perspective?

Everyone has their own perspective on things. Occasionally, deferring perspectives can both be correct… when they deal with issues which are neither right nor wrong. But when dealing with issues which are either true or false; accurate or inaccurate; and good or bad, then differing perspectives can not both be neutral or equal. In those cases, one person's perspective can be much more correct than another person's. In a court of law, the only witness who really matters is the one who saw things from the correct perspective… not the one who's perspective is skewed.

You can tolerate a differing perspective, but you in no way have to accept it's validity, or rely on it when it flies in contrast to what you know to be true. In that regard, a perspective is much like an opinion.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Don't put me on Jerry Springer!

Just because there are certain areas in which you won't stoop below doesn't mean that other people won't happily descend below those same standards. Realizing this, you should evaluate and scrutinize whether those values you've set for yourself are viable and valid, and should you personally adhere to them or reject them. If it's clear those areas are worth avoiding, then you are challenged to make a judgment call about those who have sunk below those areas. Are they swimming in hazardous, toxic waste which is taking it's toll on them in both visible and in unseen ways? If they are unwilling to see just how low they've comfortably stooped, then we must realize they probably see unclear in other areas which require good judgment... they cannot be relied upon for doling out advice or confining in. Our chosen lifestyle reflects who we are on the inside.

Self imposed legalism in and of itself can be nothing more than a personal prison, but when used sparingly and as a benchmark for upholding greater truths, then it shows it's benefits which extend and elevate above the murky cesspool which it protects from. But even then, biblically defined love still trumps any form of legalism when dealing with one's outreach to others!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The way we interpret tragedies, turmoils, and calamities in regard to God's involvement says a lot about our self. Two common responses is either thinking "surely a good god wouldn't have allowed this to happen" or "because this happened means there must not be any god at all". Both responses make assumptions that God must react in the way we want Him to, and also assume our finite minds are capable of taking God to court and judging Him... based upon our personal feelings. This contributes to our hardening process where our eyes become more and more blind and we grow incapable of seeing God's handiwork in the world around us. Since we have written Him out of the low points of life, we take Him out of the good parts (and every other area) as well. Our 'God vision' becomes so tainted we end-up living day-to-day in a spiritual vacuum we have built for our self. We lock God out. He no longer is welcomed within.

"God has looked down from heaven
Upon the sons of men
To see if there is anyone who understands,
And who truly seek after Him."
(Psalms 53:2)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

400 Year Interlude - Winter

400 Year Interlude - Winter

I have now uploaded the '400 Year Interlude' Winter to SoundCloud. I wrote this composition on the guitar back in 2002 and it was unique for two reasons, which are… I created non-standard chords (I don't have a name for them) and also, it was the only instrumental track within the Alpha & Omega Suite. Now the rest of the compositions have been scored and instrumental arrangements produced for all 35 tracks! Another thing worth noting is the artwork shown on this track is the art which goes with the entire Winter arrangement.

Bottom line...

The true hope of an atheist is that there will be no life after death. This world is all there is so we better make the most of it.
The true hope of an agnostic is we just can't know anything for sure, so we may as well be the best we can... just in case!
The true hope of the religious is that all the good things we do in this life just might buy us a better place when we get to the next life. This goes along with most of the world's religions, no matter what their view of the afterlife is.
The true hope of a Christian is everything depends on Jesus. He claimed to not only speak the truth but to also be truth itself, with all events of his earthly life confirming what he spoke and did. Living for him is not only better in this life but also in the life to come... by far!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Symbolic Cymbals

As an artist and musician I agree with the Psalmist when he proclaims, "Praise the LORD with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise Him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." (Psalm 150)

Any other endeavor is an expression of not using our talents and abilities in the way they were designed to be manifested.

the Psalmist's Sonata

The Psalmist's Sonata is not only a song about the Psalms but is also a tributary extension to the Psalms. It elevates with a poet's fervor the strengths, majesty and dynamics found within the collection of beloved Psalms which appear in the Bible. It was composed around 2005 and takes it's place within the first movement, referred to as the Alpha. It originally was recorded with guitar and vocals, appearing on the 2008 release of the Alpha & Omega Suite. It has since been scored and arranged in both the Autumn and Winter versions of 'the Seasons', which is four distinct instrumental arrangements of the Suite. The soothing Autumn strings score is heard in this video.

The video's original art reflects both the calm and the the rage which is experienced from the majesty of the ocean, and it's surrounding domain. I have produced quite a few pieces pertaining to the oceans of the world, and though the sea is not what the lyrics refer to, the oceanic art accurately reflects the gentle spirit of the music. It is used as visual emphasis to go along with the melodic music and dynamic lyrics.


The Psalmist's songs and poetry inspire, comfort, elevate and reach to the very throne of God. Questions are answered and the full gamut of human emotions are covered. Honest, sincere love is expressed to God and our understanding of Him is greatly deepened.

The Psalmist proclaims, "Praise the LORD with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise Him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." (Psalm 150)

How Low Will You Go?

I continue to witness the principal of 'degenerative values' at work in people I know or hear about. This is where a person (usually a youth), has a set of standards by which they won't step below, but over the course of time they lower their standards and accept values, principals, and morals which at one time were repulsive or offensive to them. Sadly, their statement of "I would never do anything like that" proves to be broken down and discarded as they mature and get sucked-in to the deep dredge which the world freely offers with delight.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Andy Griffith Show

Though many of us look at Mayberry as being the ideal small town where we wouldn't mind setting-up home, it might be surprising to you that the majority of us folks who have raised, or are raising a family wouldn't even qualify to live there. You might ask why? Well, many of us are married and Mayberry is more a town geared towards single adults!

There are numerous TV shows which are plotted around single people (Seinfeld, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, etc) but the Andy Griffith Show was not about singleness... it was about small town life. Perhaps Mayberry's single community shunned the married folks and didn't have much to do with them. We sure didn't see much interaction between the two groups.

Think about it... practically every major character on that show was single. One of the only characters who was married was Otis the drunk! On several episodes Otis locks himself into jail to get away from his nagging wife. Married life doesn't appear to be the norm in the town of Mayberry!

So, if you're married and you would like to live in Mayberry, I'm not entirely convinced you would be welcome there.

Out With the Old, In With the New

We have so many people come and go in our lives. Surprisingly, it's not only the well loved, friendly, even-tempered, revered, fun, and like-minded who we miss the most, but so often we miss those who lack those virtuous and positive traits associated with friendship. When a person has impacted our lives, we can be affectionately reminiscent of those who were quarrelsome, hot tempered, selfish, abusive, and problem creators.

A great role model for any of us is that of the prodigal son's father. Though his son had distanced himself with every vice and obstacle possible, the father was ready to forgive and forget... and welcome the wayward stranger back with open arms! He could see that an authentic, genuine change had occurred and that he was welcoming a person ready to be revised, revamped, and improved. We too should not force a person to be what they once were, but be willing to accept them for what they have overcome.

the Psalmist's Sonata

Twice in one week... this is a first! My original HD video of the symphonic Autumn arrangement of the Psalmist's Sonata has now been posted to YouTube! I wrote this song to be a complimentary soothing tribute to the Psalms.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Strong Don't Always Survive

We have the tendency to take a rare success in one of life's arenas and elevate it, cheer, and applaud it as if it were the norm. By doing so, it's as if we are placing a slap in the face to all those who have encountered failure in that same area. We also overlook that the success might have happened because the person possessed traits which are neither becoming or worthy of emulating. Our heroes are not always worthy of the place they hold in our collective heart.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Refrain Pride

I've noticed that people who REFRAIN from certain things usually let you know it…
"I don't eat meat."
"I don't drink coffee."
"I don't like chocolate."
"I don't go to church."
"I don't smoke cigarettes."
"I don't like that television show."
"Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."

People that DO all those things normally don't make a point to let you know they DO it… they just go ahead and DO it!

UNLESS it's an area they take PRIDE in…
"I exercise two hours a day."
"I only eat natural, healthy food."
"I read five books a week."
"I only listen to so-and-so music."
"Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Change Your Ways

Change Your Ways was written in 2000 and takes it's place as the last piece of the Alpha. It was originally recorded with guitar and vocals and appeared on the 2008 release of the Alpha & Omega Suite. It has since been scored and arranged in both the Autumn and Winter versions of the Seasons. In June of 2012 I picked the song to be the first arrangement to go into the Spring version of the Seasons. This is the arrangement which is referred to as 'Heavenly Guitars' since it uses a wide variety of guitars and other stringed instruments.

The video's art has been produced from various parts of my life. It is a consortium of original pieces gathered from different parts of the world where I have lived or traveled. It is used as 'eye candy' to go along with the melodic music and strong lyrics.

Change Your Ways emphasizes one of the most important doctrines to be found in the Bible, and one that goes fully hand-in-hand with the gospel of Christ... the all important doctrine of repentance. Without true repentance not a single one of us can turn to God and follow His authentic ways of truth. When sending His Messiah, God first paved the way by sending a prophet whom He referred to as "the greatest of all prophets" who's main message was for us to "repent and change our ways and get ready for His Christ". The lyrics emphasize this important message while the music soars with impact and punch.


If a Christian wants to have a trouble-free, easy, pleasant life where everyone likes them, all they have to do is practice their faith half hearted with very little true commitment or emphasis. But, if they actually desire to be pleasing to God and live like Jesus, following wherever God's Spirit leads, then they can expect similar trials and persecution which fell upon the Lord.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you BECAUSE OF ME. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven... for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." --Matthew 5:11-12


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14)

So... who are you trying to please?
Your friends?
Your family?
Your co-workers?
How about your boss?
Self, for sure!!!
Well, that's all fine and dandy, but...
Can you agree with the Psalmist
and set your mind and heart
on what is pleasing to God?
It is no mystery, He's made His will known.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 4th

Note to television networks: In no way is 'Independence Day' a holiday film which should be shown on the 4th of July. It has nothing to do with the celebration of Independence Day. It is a science fiction film which has hardly any science but overflows with an abundance of fiction. One network broadcasts this film over and over around the 4th... what are their lame programming executives thinking? Just another example of the dumbing down of America.

Heavenly Guitars

'Heavenly Guitars' is the Spring variation of Alpha & Omega Suite's the Seasons. I have basically completed both the Winter and Autumn arrangements and have now begun the Spring. In the next week or so I will post a YouTube video with the first finished piece 'Change Your Ways' with guitars, mandolins, and a few other stringed instruments (and tons of original art too). Look for it.
It's amazing how much of the time 'NO' is the most positive answer we can receive.

The Rock

The LORD is my rock,
my fortress,
and my savior;
my God is my rock,
in whom I find protection.
He is my shield,
the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.
(Psalm 18:2)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Don't Succumb

The end result of quickly and easily succumbing is we end-up regretting it later.

Victory is found when we maintain a 'NO' stance and firmly adhere to it.