Monday, August 31, 2009

Taught By God

On the road between Jerusalem and Emmaus, two men were unaware they had just been greeted and taught by the resurrected Messiah. His words were not those of any ordinary man but had the authority and power of God Himself. Later, Luke 24:32 tells us: “They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” And so their amazed reaction is reflected by every other person who has experienced the empowering words of Jesus and allowed Him to change their life!
Throughout history, people have expressed their views pertaining to what God might be like and what His character and nature are. Many, and most of the time these ponderings are nothing more than man’s own imagination or educated guesses and reasonings. Occasionally these man-made viewpoints have had devastating effects and have even lead people further away from truly knowing and understanding God. The bible has gone as far as declaring that some of the false views are actually “doctrines created by demons.” We wonder if men create religions that are so harmful and far-off base, can any of us know who the true creator of the universe is? Can we ever actually comprehend His character and what He desires for us? Can the true God be known at all?
Though we might be spiritually short-sighted, God is quite aware of this problem-causing limitation of ours. When we ignore Him or worship inaccurate deities of our own making, He is not shocked, dismayed or caught off guard. He is so lovingly understanding of our problem that He was able to foresee it long before He created mankind; long before we fell into sin; and long before each one of us were individually born into this world. The omnipotence of God is so overwhelming that He was able to develop a solution to a problem long before the problem itself ever existed! If man himself is incapable of reaching God and knowing him personally, then God must be the one to transcend the void and make Himself known to us. What we are unable to do, He is able to accomplish with no problem what-so-ever.
God has revealed Himself in three distinct ways. First, the very world in which we live, with all it’s complexities and uncountable life forms point to their creator. Scripture states: “What may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — His eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Second, His Spirit has impressed upon the heart and mind of the early prophets to pen the revelations found within His written word. Scripture reveals: “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” Third, and most important, God Himself entered our world and gave us instruction and spiritual guidance. Jesus even quoted the scripture which foretold of His teachings: “All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children’s peace.”
In harmony with the teachings of Christ is the understanding given to the believer by God’s indwelling Holy Spirit. As we study scripture and grow in the instructions of Jesus, His spirit whispers to our intellect and richly illuminates these words of power and of life. We become receptive vessels for receiving the truths which lie within God’s written word. This is in full contrast to the unrepentant mind which can read the same words but is in no way capable of comprehending their richness and full meaning. Scripture explains it this way: “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
So what does God want us to know about Himself? This question actually has a plain and simple answer. There are no big mysteries involved which should cause anyone to travel to a distant mountain peek in search of an ancient and secluded spiritual guru. We just need to look at the life; the teachings; the facts; and the example which Christ left for us. It’s that simple. When the disciples asked for Jesus to show God the father, He let it be known that He had been showing God to His followers all along. He replied: “He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.”
Here’s the good part… the true account of Christ is quickly becoming available to all. It is the most widely published written document in history. It has been translated into the greatest number of languages and read by the greatest number of people of any other book the world has ever known. Scholars are increasingly amazed at the accuracy of the modern translations when compared to the most ancient documents available. If we don’t know anything about the Living God, it’s plausible we have made little effort to know Him. He has given us the means to know Him intimately. He has given us His Son that we all might be “Taught by God!”

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Colossians 2:6-10

There are numerous ways of studying God’s word… both the good and the bad practices. The most important aspect of studying scripture is to derive from it what was intended. It is to nurture our spiritual growth and help us become all that God intends for us to be. It is to help us understand God, His standards and expectations. It is to help us understand humanity’s spiritual weaknesses in our self and also in others. And it is to be understood within the presented context, and within it’s historical framework.
The following example of breaking down a verse is one of the simplest and most basic ways for a believer to begin a bible study. As one becomes accustomed to this approach, he or she can grow and learn several other equally valid methods of getting into God’s word.

Verses are in RED… broken down into individual words or phrases. Followed by( in BLACK parentheses) intended meaning, both universal and personal application.
6 Therefore, (Let’s grow and move forward… based on God’s word. Imperative. Definite.)
as you (All who are in Christ, including myself. Those born a 2nd time.)
received (Not rejected or discarded. Offered to us/me and we/I accepted.)
Christ Jesus the Lord, (Jesus only… no other religious teacher, guru, or charlatan. He takes precedence above any other)
so walk in Him, (Our/My actions, thoughts, desires, efforts are grounded in Him)
7 rooted (That which holds us/me in place, balances us, gives us strength, and sustains… living water)
and built up in Him (”He is the potter… I am the clay”)
and established in the faith, (Many world systems and philosophies, but our/my purpose is in Christ’s gospel)
just as you were taught, (Not our/my education from other sources, but that from sound biblical teaching)
abounding in thanksgiving. (Always thankful for what Christ has done, giving Him praise and glory)
8 See to it (Our/My effort, not God’s or anyone elses)
that no one (It doesn’t matter who it is, how great, mighty, or attractive they might be)
takes you captive (Loss of freedom… once caught, we/I am trapped and unable to escape)
by philosophy (Man’s best thinking and deepest thoughts, no matter how appealing they might seem)
and empty deceit, (Not beneficial to our/my spiritual purity, but that which tricks us/me into putting our/my Christ-centeredness aside)
according to human tradition, (Man’s teachings and ways of doing things which are passed down through the generations)
according to the elemental spirits of the world, (The most basic, seemingly normal and commonly encountered spiritual teachings)
and not according to Christ. (If it doesn’t stack-up with Christ’s teachings and example, then it’s potentially harmful and incorrect. It should be shelved and discarded)
9 For in Him (Nothing outside of Christ, but only that which is in Him alone. He is the source)
the whole fullness (Complete and not lacking for more. Entire)
of deity dwells bodily, (If we want to see God… just look at Jesus. He alone is God-in-man. God cannot be found, or seen, in any other living or dead person)
10 and you (All who are in Christ, including myself and all others who have submitted to Him)
have been filled (Filled is uppermost… all the way to the top, not just part way. Over-flowing)
in Him, (Jesus only… no other religious teacher, guru, or charlatan)
who is the head (The boss, the top dog, the one in charge, the one to be obeyed and listened to, the one who makes the rules. Leader of all leaders)
of all rule and authority. (At the very top, doesn’t get any higher than this, my ways and desires submit to His. It is impossible to locate any authority above His)