Friday, December 31, 2010

Great Expectations

One unacknowledged reason many people do not like religion is because it has EXPECTATIONS and standards. Those two areas are increasingly becoming unpopular and confused with intolerance.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting Sicker

Dysfunction has become the new norm.


It's not always "can we do it" but sometimes "should we do it".


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Let There Be Peace on Earth

"Let there be peace on earth".
This is not an easy, simple goal to accomplish!
It's far easier to sing about peace than it is to bring about peace.
Here's the difficult part... peace is an abstract concept.
Unfortunately it's not a universal condition of the soul and intellect that we can all put our finger on.
In it's nature, it is abstract and often indescribable.
Why is that?
Because true peace is not easy to define. We all have differing ideas of what peace is.
And if my peace differs from your peace then it means that concessions will have to be made if we both are to experience a small slice of peace.
The key here is "concessions". Yep, that means we have to give up stuff! But if we give up something then it makes it that much harder to actually achieve peace. And if I am giving up far more than you are then you must see how much harder it is for me to gain peace! (or vice versa)

And closely mixed-in with peace is the concept and condition of freedom! When a person attempts to achieve peace they naturally associate it with their personal freedoms. They actually desire the freedom to "do what they want, when they want, in any way they want"... believing by succumbing to this smorgasbord of earthly delights that this in itself is what peace is all about!!! Whew! And if any of their freedoms are taken away and removed, then their chance to live a contented peaceful life is also removed.

Today is Christmas, which means only one thing... Jesus. Yup, that's it. Jesus. Some people do not think about Jesus at the Christmas season. They might be concentrating on decorations, festivities, food, giving and getting gifts, trees, fantasies (Santa, elves, reindeer), hurts, pleasures, and all the other things which is part of their Christmas traditions. But when broken down to it's essential and most basic premise, and when removing all the non-important aspects of Christmas, it all boils down to Jesus. And who is Jesus? He is the "Prince of Peace".
He is the one who can give the "peace which surpasses understanding" and he is also the one who claims that he in no way came to bring peace but to bring DIVISION!!!

Okay, I'm leaving you with this mystery (which really isn't a mystery)... Jesus is the only true, authentic source of peace, and peace can only truly be found in him, and yet he has brought division into the world. No, he is not bringing division through the war of bloodshed (leave that to the enemies of Christ), but through the division of one's spirit and soul. The Prince of Peace is also the Great Divider!

Now, didn't this message bring you comfort, good will, and peace?
What? It didn't??
You say this little message was anything but peace-giving?
Do you understand?
Isn't it obvious?
Think about it.

Blessed are the peacemakers.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Be Familiar With What is Normal and What's Not

There are exceptions to every rule. 
Don't look upon the exception as being the standard and the norm... 
incorrect conclusions will always be drawn.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Win or Lose

How do we recognize the game when the rules keep changing? The intended goal is that everyone might be a winner but the unintentional result is we all end-up losing.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our 2010 Christmas Card

The "Was Supposed to Be a Christmas Card But Isn't Now" Card

By now the holidays are past and the new year is here.  We'll just pretend that this card arrived before Christmas 2010 (just humor us, please). It has been another year with lots of milestones, good and bad (I'd be lying if I implied otherwise). 2010 also marks the transition from having kids in public school.

Oliver graduated from South Doyle high school in May! Now he's a college freshman at the University of Tennessee... majoring in architecture. It's an extremely difficult five year (around the clock) program and he needs all our prayers and encouragement. He just completed first semester and like everything he attempts, he does quite well. Once again he was a life guard for the city of Knoxville Parks & Recreation last summer. Oh yeah... his grandmother generously gave her Honda CRV to Oliver! Lucky kid. (He is blessed with smarts, looks, and good character.)

Adelaide began the year as a college sophomore but took a medical leave until the time is right for her to return. In the mean time she has held down a job which she somewhat enjoys. Did I mention she was in a head-on collision right after Easter? By the Lord's goodness, she wasn't hurt... though her car was totaled like an accordion! She replaced it with a (large) Ford Explorer. (She is blessed with talent, looks, and good disposition.).

Carol is still doing good and Phil is well. Work is work.

As Paul Harvey says, "And now you know the rest of the story". (How's that for shortening what could have been a long boring card?"

Have a wonderful 2011,
Phil, Carol, Adelaide, and Oliver


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fantasy Falsehoods

When you take a fantasy and present it as if it were a reality, you substitute the false in place of the truth. We feel our world is so much brighter but we question why things are so moreso out of kilter. We rarely put two-and-two together to see that one has helped produce the other.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Let's Eat

Not everything in life is an 'absolute'.
Be sure you know one when you see it, otherwise you won't be present at the banquet.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Know the Authentic

A good counterfeit can easily fool.

It is only through careful study, inspection, scrutinizing, and comparison that the true nature of the beast can be seen. The more familiar you are with the authentic, the better equipped you become at recognizing the counterfeit when it comes your way.

Remember, the original has great value but the imitation is worthless rubbish. 


Friday, December 17, 2010

SCORED! The Psalmists Sonata

The Psalmists Sonata was composed in 2004 and shortly thereafter recorded with my vocal track. All along I also saw this composition as being fully orchestrated and performed as an instrumental. Recently I have studied digital notation as implemented on the computer and have spent late nights scoring the piece. I have written a full piano part and am busy adding digital instruments to record two more versions of the piece... the Winter version, which is piano with backup, and the Autumn version, which is digital strings.

I hope to have both new pieces completed by January 2011 and will notify as soon as they can be heard.

Till then, here's a reminder of some of the lyrics...

Your hymns elevate as they gently resonate.
  Brightening the midnight hour as they illuminate.
Glancing over the land at Your handiwork,
  My spirit rises skyward, ever higher and higher!
Reflection... Meditation! A time to spend alone
  With You, my Lord.
Communion... Inspiration! I love to deeply delve
  In the study of Your Word.
Painted with a palette of spiritual hues...
  Revealing God's poetry of truths.
A cornucopia filled with meaningful sonnets...
  Reflect a vast smorgasbord of You.
You've exalted above all things....
  Your name and Your Word.
Your name and Your Word.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Psalmists Sonata

When dense fog covers the road I'm on and these feet begin to stray.
I remember your word and it soothes so well,
It guides and shows the way.

But those hazy mists still cloud the view,
Making the false seem like the truth.
The Psalmists songs expose their lie,
Bringing into focus and clarifies,

The Psalms elevate and comfort,
They endure to my inner being,
Illuminating as if by a torch's light,

I crave your word each time it's heard,
And you know this is my desire.
When I hear it read my soul get's fed,
Your word sets my heart on fire.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sleep: Peaceful Dreams

The other side of our day is when we let ourselves recuperate from daily activities through that self-healing, stress-relieving time of sleep. To many people, this is a cherished part of their life which they just can't get enough of. Depicted is my son, covers pulled high up to his head, gently breathing, and eyes fluttering as he is peacefully lost in dreamland.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Degree of Your Degree

University degrees are not offered for wisdom.
Perhaps one might have to search elsewhere in order to find it. 


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ready to Depart?

What kind of death are you willing to accept?
Accidents and natural causes are not a choice... they happen whether we want them to or not.
But, are you willing to exit this world standing-up for a cause that you know is right? Are you willing to sacrifice for those you love? What about for those you don't even like? Do you have the character to face it head-on, or will you turn-tail and run the other way?
Make the choice before it is made for you.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snake Venom Does More Harm Than It's Appearance Would Suggest

Naturally, when we hear about people who prey upon the innocent we are quite alarmed... as well we should be, but it is also those predators which 2010+ society doesn't necessarily consider harmful whom we should also be concerned about. These groups often have questionable agendas which are strongly promoted through various venues at their disposal. Their focus is not so much in forcing people to think and act their way (though some say that might actually be their true aim) but in using the internet, periodicals, books, music, film, television, radio, theater and other accessible media to capture the minds, emotions, and wallets of the impressionable. They have an abhorrence for anyone who has an alternate world view to their own and try their best to discredit anyone who speaks out against their ploys.

If scanning the assortment of blogs and social media pages is any real indication of how effective these mind-predators have been, then we have good reason to be alarmed! The ideas, comments, images and concerns which many of the younger bloggers have bought-into and proudly proclaim on their personal pages is enough to make their great grandparents turn over in their graves. Being virtuous, well mannered and modest have become so outdated that those traits are hard to find... and even considered to be ridiculous.

It just goes to show how so many of the warnings and fears which were ridiculed and made-fun-of so many years ago were in reality grounded in an authentic and very real concern. We have a nasty tendency to laugh at the warnings of previous generations as being nothing more than out-dated ideas and values.

Again, the insight and wisdom given to us from the pages of the Bible prove quite helpful in having the vision and discernment to see through the cancerous wiles of these seemingly innocent forces.We see how cunningly and easily the enemy takes captive the soul's of the innocent with easily available addictions and vices.
NOTE: This is NOT a witch hunt. I am in no way suggesting we round-up and silence anyone who holds opposing views to what we personally hold. What I do suggest is anyone who considers them self to hold standards of morality should at least be aware of the mind-control measures which are out there... and they are quite effective! Be aware that yesterday's back-room purveyor's of vice have stepped to the front-room and are easily capturing the minds and wallets of the easily conned and addicted kids who have no clue what is actually transpiring.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Go Ahead and Quit

"I can quit anytime I want."
This sentiment is often expressed by addicts who's reality is that they CAN'T quit anytime they want.

What are the addictions you struggle with?


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Me? Surely I Can't be Fooled by That?!

We are ALL vulnerable to deception, especially that of the spiritual kind. It doesn't matter how superior your intelligence; the remarkable quantity of higher education you possess; or your elevated position in society. You can be a genius... and a fool! Where are you looking? What are YOU feeding-upon to strengthen your vision, remove the blinders, and increase your wisdom?


Monday, December 6, 2010

Jailer or Jailed?

We love the concept of 'free will', but we sure battle with the consequences from it.

With every law we pass, we openly endorse regulated free will... and accept the limitations it imposes and enforces.

Often our laws take away far more than they give.

What it really boils down to is we would like to be in charge of setting the limits on how much free will somebody else has.

Okay, be honest with me... what you really want is a much bigger dose of free will for yourselves than for others!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Planting Seeds

Don't tell me what to do! Keep your opinions to yourself! If I wanted your advice, I would ask for it!

People resent being told what to do. It doesn't matter how good the advice or how informative the information, when it comes to accepting advice, we have a tendency to quickly put up our wall. All too often our shield of rebelliousness is raised, which prompts us to take an opposite stand to that which was offered. We would rather dig our own pit than listen to advice that was not requested or sought.

Scripture tells us that a foolish person ignores wise council. Our pride doesn't want to accept someone else who might recognize something about our self that we cannot see on our own. Surely this other person doesn't have the insight or the right to tread on my own personal actions!? We raise our defense against the enemy... not realizing the enemy is our very self. "We met the enemy and he is us."

So what should we do if we notice something which should be brought to someone's attention? We must wisely assess the situation and keep our own prejudices at bay. Important advice should have only one motive... it must be given to help the person, not stroke our own ego.

The best advice we can give is that which is fully based on Biblical principles. Even a person who is not familiar with Scripture has an innate sense of it's foundational truths and know when it's wisdom is solid, sound, trustworthy and worthy of applying. Whether they actually do heed your biblical advice is another thing all together... you aren't responsible for one's choice to follow their own path, no matter how destructive it might be. But go ahead and help anyway, they just might appreciate it someday.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Where is Your Trust and Confidence?

Where is your trust and confidence?
Is it in your self?
When the plane hits turbulence, wouldn't you rather it be flown by a skilled pilot than by your self?
When cancer spreads, wouldn't you rather it be removed by a skilled surgeon than by your self?
Where do you place your trust and confidence?
Surely not in your self!!?

In important matters,
The wise seek out the skilled; the trained; the prepared.
They know some things are far too important than to rely on less than the best.
In matters of life and death, they look to the top.
In both the temporary and the eternal,
Their eyes focus beyond their own limitations,
They peer as close to the source as they can get.
It is no time to have 'self' on one's pedestal!

It is the child who cries, "I, me, mine, gimme!"
The child's growth only happens on dependence.
The child's survival fully depends on someone greater than him/herself.

Where is your trust and confidence?
Look as high as your eyes can see,
...and don't stop there. 


Friday, December 3, 2010

God's Word put to Song and Verse!

The Alpha & Omega Suite was composed to be a different type of God-honoring musical expression. Though it contains songs of praise and worship, the majority are songs which teach and instruct directly from God's written word. Individually, each song stands on it's own and can shed light on an appropriate message your pastor/teacher has for a meeting or service.

Nine years were spent composing... and completed at the end of 2008. It is receiving much internet airplay and has already been heard in over sixty nations in it's first three months!

Best of all... many not familiar with God's message of 'good news' are hearing and understanding accurately what God has set in place!

You can listen or download freely any of the thirty-five pieces, which together make-up two hours and forty minutes of total music. There is never any charge for what you hear... or of any 'lyrics with chords' which you might request.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Do You Measure Happiness?

'Being happy' is not the measuring stick we should use for our fulfillment, success, contentment, motivation, or other areas which define our mental and emotional state. Happiness can often be the greatest self-deceiver of them all. It can lead us into areas of personal debasement and/or harm to self as well as to others. Set your sites on a higher level than 'just be happy'.

We should strive for the best in any situation… whether it makes us happy or not. Eventually, 'doing the right thing' will bring about a pure fulfilled happiness of it's own.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Facts and Faith

Facts and faith are both parts of our every day mortality. It doesn't matter if we consider our self to be a person of faith or a scholar of facts and figures, the core existence of every individual is based on both areas. This might be hard to swallow since these extremes often seem to be at odds with one another and are so often portrayed that way. The truth is, we all have areas of our life where we depend on fact and other areas where we rely on faith. This is just part of our being thrust into this physical world at birth, and trying to survive to the best of our abilities until our death.

If facts and faith are not accurately passed along to the next generation, then these treasures naturally die-off and become distorted. When the next generation (and generations to follow) inherit incorrect facts and/or faith, then those areas become filled with incorrect information to fill the void. Truths are replaced with falsehoods, which then become our heir's legacy.

What can you do about it? Make a little effort to insure that those things which you've found to be important in your life and in the lives of your loved ones is passed along to your children. As your children age and mature, the little gems you've given to them will enrich their life and help them to see through the veils of confusion, deception and uncertainty.
