Friday, January 27, 2012

National Parks

Top five national parks for generating area revenue...

(1) Great Smoky Mountains: $818 million
(2) Grand Canyon: $415 million
(3) Yosemite: $354 million
(4) Yellowstone: $334 million
(5) Blue Ridge Parkway: $299 million

We live in the shadows of the Great Smoky Mountains. It's interesting that park generates almost double the tourism dollars as the second-place national park. It's even more interesting when considering the Smokies do not charge any admission for park visitation when almost every other national park does charge for entrance!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


"Get your mind out of the gutter."

Remember when we used to hear this saying?
Now when it's more applicable than ever, you don't hear it as often.
(And those poor old gutters seem to be overflowing.)

Friday, January 20, 2012


If you can feel the vibrations of the music blaring from the car next to you, it's much like being attacked in warfare.

File this under: "No Concern for Other People"

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Know Your Tool

Some of the worst pictures are taken by the best cameras.
Because a tool is only as good as the time taken to use it well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Eyes Wide Open - Winter

Eyes Wide Open - Winter

"Eyes Wide Open" is the novelty song from the Alpha & Omega Suite. It is written in the style of the popular music from the 1910s when audio recording was in it's infancy. This is the song of the skeptic. It is for those who are confused in their belief, but are sincerely looking for honest and truthful answers to life's questions.

God does not hold it against us when we are spiritually cynical or skeptical… as long as our attitude does not blind us from recognizing the truth when it is presented and made known to us. We are to be like the apostle Paul when he was confronted by the truth… we are to throw-away our disbelief and incorrect ideas and move ahead to the road He desires us to be on!

This is the Winter composition (piano, and much flute and panpipes as well)!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Trial of Job Ballad - Winter

The Trial of Job Ballad - Winter

Accusations are a part of life which we've all experienced and stressed over. They happen when we're guilty and deserve punishment but they also happen when we're innocent and are being wrongfully accused. In the book of Job we are introduced to a man whom was known as the "most righteous man in all the earth", yet this man is falsely accused both by his friends and neighbors and within the heavenly realms! As a direct result of these accusations, he suffers physically, emotionally and is burdened with unimaginable distress. If there was ever a man who appears to have reason to question God's goodness, it is this man of Job!

This is the Winter version of Job's Ballad.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Even on the 13th, we can still sing with Rebecca Black's positive attitude, "It's Friday, Friday! (Yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow is Saturday)" LOL

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Drink, but Don't Smoke

Once again our hypocrisy knows no bounds.

On the cruise ship we sailed on, smoking was kept to small restrictive areas.
Drunkenness was encouraged and given free reign to every corner of the ship. The Cruiseline made little to no income from cigarette sales but were literally getting rich off the sale of alcohol.
I'm sure many of those drunken, stumbling party-goers take much pride in the fact they do not smoke. Yeah, sure.