Sunday, July 29, 2012

Boring Movies

Now here's something I would never have said a few years ago...
I like watching movies at home, that way I don't have to devote my full attention to them.
(Did I really say that?)

More than a Song

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you."
(John 15:18)

If you reflect the 'peace, love, understanding' that Jesus occasionally preached then you might not know what this verse emphasizes. But if you adhere to one or more of his numerous less popular stands then you realize what this verse is all about. If you never run into any opposition to your faith, then you should evaluate whether you're not reflecting Christ very clearly.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Excess

Okay, I'm about to make some enemies.
I'm watching the opening ceremonies and I will sum it up with two words:
(1) Impressive
(2) Excessive*

Yep. They could have ended it after the first thirty minutes and they would have been none for the worse. The impressiveness faded after the Olympic circles in the sky descended. After that is was merely excess.

* Unnecessarily excessive.


Acceptance can be the best thing in the world, or the worst thing... all depending on what you choose to accept.

News Events

I have very little affection for both the good and the bad events which have dominated the news this past week or so. Perhaps that's not a bad thing. Perhaps I'm actually becoming more of the way Christ desires when He instructs us to have very little passion for the things of this world. Our heart should not be set upon the Olympian grandiosity of this world but upon those things which are of true importance and last well beyond the here-today-gone-tomorrow shallowness of our fifteen minutes of menial fame.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Politics 101

If you developed and matured your political views while sitting in a classroom, there's a good chance your views are skewed and not worth much. Political viewpoints can only legitimately be developed by and through life's experiences. They cannot have true validity or maturity if they are simply learned and copied from a classroom professor; talk-show host; or even based solely on a loved-one's opinions. You must experience the good and bad side of life in order to see-through the political rhetoric and nonsensical jargon which is preached from the political podium. Politicians despise genuine independently-minded free-thinkers who are not as susceptible to their pretty words as what the general public normally is.

Republicans Once Were Democrats?

My grandfather was an extremely conservative democrat. Yep, you heard me right… extremely right-wing conservative democrat! He was born and raised that way, and died that way.

I'm not sure that such a beast exists anymore. I believe those folks died-out with my grandfather.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Watch What You Watch

Our viewing habits... the things we see on television; watch at the movies; rent on video; view on the internet; and attend in public, say a lot about us as a nation. The polls, ratings, statistics, and attendance numbers easily show us what we enjoy being entertained by. What we see is who we are.

This sure doesn't say much about us. Perhaps we should resurrect the word 'shame' once again. It serves a purpose which isn't being addressed anymore and our viewing and spending habits sure confirm it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bread Plate But No Bread

About a dozen of us ate at an upscale restaurant that is known for it's fine cuisine, but not for it's bread. It doesn't serve bread of any type since it serves eastern, not western food. But, when you sit down, all utensils are laid out, along with the traditional bread plate. Well, a dozen folks get almost a dozen different entries and guess what… not a person ordered anything which that extra plate was used for! At one point the waitress even comes around and removes those unused clean plates (did they have to all be washed?).

Do those plates actually serve any purpose or has the restaurant just copied the table-setting style from establishments which put those plates to use? If so, then they're kinda like cheap flea market electronics that copy the name-brands, even to the point of including buttons and knobs that serve absolutely no purpose except to make them look like the real thing!

I for one could have used some good bread or rolls on them things. I was pretty hungry by the time the food was served.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Many of our Hollywood elite are very poor role models in their personal life.
The majority of them, at one time or another, have come across as a poor role model while in front of the screen... some with every performance they're in.
What we find entertaining is not all that different than what the spectators enjoyed while watching the slaughter and combat within the ancient Roman Colosseum.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


There are multitudes of causes to get involved in.
The ones we choose are the ones we respect.
We also respect some of the ones we don't get involved in.
But, many of the causes we don't get involved in are ones we simply don't respect.
That can be an indication that we have good discretion... or any number of negative issues in that particular area.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

New World Has Come - Winter

The Alpha & Omega Suite comes to completion with it's thirty-fifth song... New World Has Come. This is a song of peace and tranquility. The preceding song, Judgment Day, is filled with energy and impact since it deals with the turmoil and destruction of when our tainted earth falls upon God's ultimate judgment. But things don't end there for those who have embraced the Lamb of God, for they now bask in the soothing calm obtained in 'the new Jerusalem' which is centered in the New World which Has Come. Thus, the Alpha & Omega Suite ends on the most positive note imaginable!

The visuals highlighting the video's music are a series of artistic renderings of the world's historic castles and places of grandeur and splendor. These majestic (or once-majestic) opulent palaces give but a small glimpse of how enriched the new world will be... though we can't truly comprehend or fathom the true glory which the new Jerusalem will radiate, palaces will have to suffice.


Even apart from the Bible, recorded history shows how the effect of sin pollutes our relationship with the world around us and with our communion with God. The perfect unity that was once known in the garden can only be hoped for at a later time when God decides... and that time will come only when man's ruthless behavior justifies the end of things as we know them. Our actions create the circumstances but God brings about the final outcome (2 Peter 3:7). But… there is still yet hope!

The earth's, and man's problems which were introduced "in the beginning" are resolved in the final book of the Bible. Mercy and forgiveness are freely given to the repentant individual and peace is finally obtained on the "new" earth. The previously unobtainable tree of life is once again located within the reach of all who love and trust God (Rev 22:2). Christ is eternally present, supplying righteous light for all to bask in (Rev 21:23). Harmony has finally been restored. Paradise is regained!

The city has no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it...
For the glory of God has illumined it...
And its lamp is the Lamb. (Revelation 21:23)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Stunning Art

I normally associate the word 'stunning' as something beyond the norm; in a class of it's own; beyond description... in a positive way. But after seeing the word used to describe some art exhibited in a gallery, I must question my perception of the word. Yes, the word is appropriate for me to use in regards to that art, but my meaning would be more like, "His art is absolutely stunning. I am completed stunned at just how bad his art is, and yet it's hanging in a gallery with a high price tag attached." LOL

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I Can See Clearly Now

There are two types of eyeglass wearers and I have now found out which type I am.

I've worn bifocals for several years and haven't had any problems with them. Due to a rapid change in my eyesight, I recently had an exam and got two pairs of glasses. The optometrist promoted the new seamless progressive lens and I've also heard several folks mention how much they enjoy the progressive lens, so I went ahead and got two pairs of these new, improved glasses. Well, after forty days I absolutely hate the dang things! I just can't get used to them, in spite of the mantra, "Try them, you'll get used to them"… they're worse than not wearing glasses at all. Luckily, the eye doctor has a 90 day guarantee so I had him change one pair over to bifocals. I picked them up last evening and guess what… I can finally see again! I can see great!

So, of the two types of people… those who love progressive lens and those who hate them, I am most clearly (pun intended) a big ol' hater!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's Your Source?

(1) He holds strong convictions.
(2) He has strong opinions.
(3) He displays strong prejudices.

All three statements are about the same person.
All are about the same manifested traits.
All three paint an entirely different picture… from the positive, to the negative.
This just shows how easily we can be manipulated with words.

When reading, listening, viewing, studying / learning, be sure you thoroughly know the source it's coming from. Not all sources are created equal, and yet all sources have the same power of persuasion. Learn to read between the lines.


Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God. 
(Genesis 6:9)

Saying that Noah was "righteous" and "blameless" does not mean that he never sinned. Rather, it means that Noah wholeheartedly loved and obeyed God. For a lifetime he walked step by step in faith as a living example to his generation. Like Noah, we live in a world filled with unholy/unrighteous ways. What example do you set?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's Your Perspective?

Everyone has their own perspective on things. Occasionally, deferring perspectives can both be correct… when they deal with issues which are neither right nor wrong. But when dealing with issues which are either true or false; accurate or inaccurate; and good or bad, then differing perspectives can not both be neutral or equal. In those cases, one person's perspective can be much more correct than another person's. In a court of law, the only witness who really matters is the one who saw things from the correct perspective… not the one who's perspective is skewed.

You can tolerate a differing perspective, but you in no way have to accept it's validity, or rely on it when it flies in contrast to what you know to be true. In that regard, a perspective is much like an opinion.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Don't put me on Jerry Springer!

Just because there are certain areas in which you won't stoop below doesn't mean that other people won't happily descend below those same standards. Realizing this, you should evaluate and scrutinize whether those values you've set for yourself are viable and valid, and should you personally adhere to them or reject them. If it's clear those areas are worth avoiding, then you are challenged to make a judgment call about those who have sunk below those areas. Are they swimming in hazardous, toxic waste which is taking it's toll on them in both visible and in unseen ways? If they are unwilling to see just how low they've comfortably stooped, then we must realize they probably see unclear in other areas which require good judgment... they cannot be relied upon for doling out advice or confining in. Our chosen lifestyle reflects who we are on the inside.

Self imposed legalism in and of itself can be nothing more than a personal prison, but when used sparingly and as a benchmark for upholding greater truths, then it shows it's benefits which extend and elevate above the murky cesspool which it protects from. But even then, biblically defined love still trumps any form of legalism when dealing with one's outreach to others!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The way we interpret tragedies, turmoils, and calamities in regard to God's involvement says a lot about our self. Two common responses is either thinking "surely a good god wouldn't have allowed this to happen" or "because this happened means there must not be any god at all". Both responses make assumptions that God must react in the way we want Him to, and also assume our finite minds are capable of taking God to court and judging Him... based upon our personal feelings. This contributes to our hardening process where our eyes become more and more blind and we grow incapable of seeing God's handiwork in the world around us. Since we have written Him out of the low points of life, we take Him out of the good parts (and every other area) as well. Our 'God vision' becomes so tainted we end-up living day-to-day in a spiritual vacuum we have built for our self. We lock God out. He no longer is welcomed within.

"God has looked down from heaven
Upon the sons of men
To see if there is anyone who understands,
And who truly seek after Him."
(Psalms 53:2)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

400 Year Interlude - Winter

400 Year Interlude - Winter

I have now uploaded the '400 Year Interlude' Winter to SoundCloud. I wrote this composition on the guitar back in 2002 and it was unique for two reasons, which are… I created non-standard chords (I don't have a name for them) and also, it was the only instrumental track within the Alpha & Omega Suite. Now the rest of the compositions have been scored and instrumental arrangements produced for all 35 tracks! Another thing worth noting is the artwork shown on this track is the art which goes with the entire Winter arrangement.

Bottom line...

The true hope of an atheist is that there will be no life after death. This world is all there is so we better make the most of it.
The true hope of an agnostic is we just can't know anything for sure, so we may as well be the best we can... just in case!
The true hope of the religious is that all the good things we do in this life just might buy us a better place when we get to the next life. This goes along with most of the world's religions, no matter what their view of the afterlife is.
The true hope of a Christian is everything depends on Jesus. He claimed to not only speak the truth but to also be truth itself, with all events of his earthly life confirming what he spoke and did. Living for him is not only better in this life but also in the life to come... by far!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Symbolic Cymbals

As an artist and musician I agree with the Psalmist when he proclaims, "Praise the LORD with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise Him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." (Psalm 150)

Any other endeavor is an expression of not using our talents and abilities in the way they were designed to be manifested.

the Psalmist's Sonata

The Psalmist's Sonata is not only a song about the Psalms but is also a tributary extension to the Psalms. It elevates with a poet's fervor the strengths, majesty and dynamics found within the collection of beloved Psalms which appear in the Bible. It was composed around 2005 and takes it's place within the first movement, referred to as the Alpha. It originally was recorded with guitar and vocals, appearing on the 2008 release of the Alpha & Omega Suite. It has since been scored and arranged in both the Autumn and Winter versions of 'the Seasons', which is four distinct instrumental arrangements of the Suite. The soothing Autumn strings score is heard in this video.

The video's original art reflects both the calm and the the rage which is experienced from the majesty of the ocean, and it's surrounding domain. I have produced quite a few pieces pertaining to the oceans of the world, and though the sea is not what the lyrics refer to, the oceanic art accurately reflects the gentle spirit of the music. It is used as visual emphasis to go along with the melodic music and dynamic lyrics.


The Psalmist's songs and poetry inspire, comfort, elevate and reach to the very throne of God. Questions are answered and the full gamut of human emotions are covered. Honest, sincere love is expressed to God and our understanding of Him is greatly deepened.

The Psalmist proclaims, "Praise the LORD with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise Him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." (Psalm 150)

How Low Will You Go?

I continue to witness the principal of 'degenerative values' at work in people I know or hear about. This is where a person (usually a youth), has a set of standards by which they won't step below, but over the course of time they lower their standards and accept values, principals, and morals which at one time were repulsive or offensive to them. Sadly, their statement of "I would never do anything like that" proves to be broken down and discarded as they mature and get sucked-in to the deep dredge which the world freely offers with delight.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Andy Griffith Show

Though many of us look at Mayberry as being the ideal small town where we wouldn't mind setting-up home, it might be surprising to you that the majority of us folks who have raised, or are raising a family wouldn't even qualify to live there. You might ask why? Well, many of us are married and Mayberry is more a town geared towards single adults!

There are numerous TV shows which are plotted around single people (Seinfeld, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, etc) but the Andy Griffith Show was not about singleness... it was about small town life. Perhaps Mayberry's single community shunned the married folks and didn't have much to do with them. We sure didn't see much interaction between the two groups.

Think about it... practically every major character on that show was single. One of the only characters who was married was Otis the drunk! On several episodes Otis locks himself into jail to get away from his nagging wife. Married life doesn't appear to be the norm in the town of Mayberry!

So, if you're married and you would like to live in Mayberry, I'm not entirely convinced you would be welcome there.

Out With the Old, In With the New

We have so many people come and go in our lives. Surprisingly, it's not only the well loved, friendly, even-tempered, revered, fun, and like-minded who we miss the most, but so often we miss those who lack those virtuous and positive traits associated with friendship. When a person has impacted our lives, we can be affectionately reminiscent of those who were quarrelsome, hot tempered, selfish, abusive, and problem creators.

A great role model for any of us is that of the prodigal son's father. Though his son had distanced himself with every vice and obstacle possible, the father was ready to forgive and forget... and welcome the wayward stranger back with open arms! He could see that an authentic, genuine change had occurred and that he was welcoming a person ready to be revised, revamped, and improved. We too should not force a person to be what they once were, but be willing to accept them for what they have overcome.

the Psalmist's Sonata

Twice in one week... this is a first! My original HD video of the symphonic Autumn arrangement of the Psalmist's Sonata has now been posted to YouTube! I wrote this song to be a complimentary soothing tribute to the Psalms.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Strong Don't Always Survive

We have the tendency to take a rare success in one of life's arenas and elevate it, cheer, and applaud it as if it were the norm. By doing so, it's as if we are placing a slap in the face to all those who have encountered failure in that same area. We also overlook that the success might have happened because the person possessed traits which are neither becoming or worthy of emulating. Our heroes are not always worthy of the place they hold in our collective heart.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Refrain Pride

I've noticed that people who REFRAIN from certain things usually let you know it…
"I don't eat meat."
"I don't drink coffee."
"I don't like chocolate."
"I don't go to church."
"I don't smoke cigarettes."
"I don't like that television show."
"Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."

People that DO all those things normally don't make a point to let you know they DO it… they just go ahead and DO it!

UNLESS it's an area they take PRIDE in…
"I exercise two hours a day."
"I only eat natural, healthy food."
"I read five books a week."
"I only listen to so-and-so music."
"Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Change Your Ways

Change Your Ways was written in 2000 and takes it's place as the last piece of the Alpha. It was originally recorded with guitar and vocals and appeared on the 2008 release of the Alpha & Omega Suite. It has since been scored and arranged in both the Autumn and Winter versions of the Seasons. In June of 2012 I picked the song to be the first arrangement to go into the Spring version of the Seasons. This is the arrangement which is referred to as 'Heavenly Guitars' since it uses a wide variety of guitars and other stringed instruments.

The video's art has been produced from various parts of my life. It is a consortium of original pieces gathered from different parts of the world where I have lived or traveled. It is used as 'eye candy' to go along with the melodic music and strong lyrics.

Change Your Ways emphasizes one of the most important doctrines to be found in the Bible, and one that goes fully hand-in-hand with the gospel of Christ... the all important doctrine of repentance. Without true repentance not a single one of us can turn to God and follow His authentic ways of truth. When sending His Messiah, God first paved the way by sending a prophet whom He referred to as "the greatest of all prophets" who's main message was for us to "repent and change our ways and get ready for His Christ". The lyrics emphasize this important message while the music soars with impact and punch.


If a Christian wants to have a trouble-free, easy, pleasant life where everyone likes them, all they have to do is practice their faith half hearted with very little true commitment or emphasis. But, if they actually desire to be pleasing to God and live like Jesus, following wherever God's Spirit leads, then they can expect similar trials and persecution which fell upon the Lord.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you BECAUSE OF ME. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven... for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." --Matthew 5:11-12


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14)

So... who are you trying to please?
Your friends?
Your family?
Your co-workers?
How about your boss?
Self, for sure!!!
Well, that's all fine and dandy, but...
Can you agree with the Psalmist
and set your mind and heart
on what is pleasing to God?
It is no mystery, He's made His will known.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 4th

Note to television networks: In no way is 'Independence Day' a holiday film which should be shown on the 4th of July. It has nothing to do with the celebration of Independence Day. It is a science fiction film which has hardly any science but overflows with an abundance of fiction. One network broadcasts this film over and over around the 4th... what are their lame programming executives thinking? Just another example of the dumbing down of America.

Heavenly Guitars

'Heavenly Guitars' is the Spring variation of Alpha & Omega Suite's the Seasons. I have basically completed both the Winter and Autumn arrangements and have now begun the Spring. In the next week or so I will post a YouTube video with the first finished piece 'Change Your Ways' with guitars, mandolins, and a few other stringed instruments (and tons of original art too). Look for it.
It's amazing how much of the time 'NO' is the most positive answer we can receive.

The Rock

The LORD is my rock,
my fortress,
and my savior;
my God is my rock,
in whom I find protection.
He is my shield,
the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.
(Psalm 18:2)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Don't Succumb

The end result of quickly and easily succumbing is we end-up regretting it later.

Victory is found when we maintain a 'NO' stance and firmly adhere to it.


It doesn't matter if it's government or the private sector that offers you something for FREE, you must always ask, "Why is this being offered to me?" and "What is this actually costing me?"

FREE usually has some type of price somewhere down the line.