Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Art With a Meaning and Purpose

To be the best artist you can possibly be is not a matter of just having wonderful ideas and concepts. It is also not just being highly skilled in your techniques and artistic execution. It is a combination of taking your creative conceptual imaginations and bringing them into the physical world in the best, most meaningful way possible. It is stepping outside of your egotistical self, drawing your spirit close to the Giver and Sustainer of all things, and bringing to life what did not exist until your hands and mind helped fashion it from what you had available to you. The final outcome is accurately communicating to someone you have never met before precisely what you had in mind.

Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin

In some areas there is no neutrality.

(art from "Sea of Despair / Showers of Grace" video)

Floral Mixed Media

Floral Mixed Media by pdw's atelier
Floral Mixed Media, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Monday, April 29, 2013


We like to see people smiling. We love to see babies smiling. A positive event can cause a flood of smiles all around. We would rather see a smile than view a frown. A pleasant smile makes the face more attractive. Smiling can be contagious... a good smile just catches on.

Some smiles we hate. We abhor a smile on the face of a convicted felon. A smile caused by someone's pain and suffering makes us cringe. A smile of insincerity is no smile at all. When we are low in despair or tragedy, a smile is not what we want to see.

There are some smiles that are both cherished and scorned, dependent upon the camaraderie shared. The winning team cheers and smiles, but the loser's faces reflect sorrow. A shocking comedian can bring a smile, or disgust. The smile of a partying drunk... fellow drunken party-goers share the smile, whereas the mother who's child is kept awake by their thoughtlessness might see the smiles as a sign of shame.

There are appropriate times to smile. There are appropriate times for tears. Never the twain shall meet*.

*Unless you cry when you're happy, but that's another story.

(art from "Down Through the Ages" video)

Tulips Against Sod

Tulips Against Sod by pdw's atelier
Tulips Against Sod, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Cardinal Experience #2

Leaves on Log

Leaves on Log by pdw's atelier
Leaves on Log, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Watch where you step! Lovely sites not only exist in front of one's face, they can often be found at our feet as well. This was the case with the fall leaves lying on the forest floor. Their beauty is enhanced by the dead tree which they lay against.

The Beauty of Stagnant Water

When I first looked at the vista, I thought it was quite ugly. The water was somewhat stagnant and drying up, and the surrounding terrain was dusty and barren. But as I continued to gaze, colors seemed to emerge from the depths... the browns and grays revealed reds, blues and purples. It was these brighter, richer 'hidden' colors that won me over and ended-up becoming this painting. It just goes to show that if you look hard enough, beauty can be found even in a body of stagnant water.

Myth: "God likes me just the way I am."

Reality: There has only been one who God likes just the way He is... all the rest of us have room for vast improvement and change. And, (here's the catch-22 part) if you don't agree with this statement, you only prove the statement accurate.
Hint: We come as we are, but we don't stay the way we are, we expect to be changed. (But we don't set the criteria of how we are changed, that only comes from God.)
Another solution: We can just create our own god who doesn't adhere to God's revelation of Himself or His relationship with humanity. That brings us back to the original myth opinion!

God might tolerate us the way we are, but He would approve of us far greater if we were more like Jesus... and when our relationship with Jesus changes and becomes authentic, God sees us as one approved by His Son. We have now gotten over the hump of "just the way I am" mentality!

"The Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ." (Galatians 3:22)

"a voice came from heaven, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." (Mark 1:11)

(art from "But Jesus Paid it All" video)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Arizona Junk Truck

Arizona Junk Truck by pdw's atelier
Arizona Junk Truck, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

I'm sure this one has a history. It's located on the way to a desert biker bar and is strategically placed to help people know they're on the right track (I believe).

Color on the Ground

Color on the Ground by pdw's atelier
Color on the Ground, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Who do You Trust to Fly the Plane?

When you board the cross country flight, you are willingly putting your physical self in a compromising position which goes against our natural world. Throughout thousands if years of history, anytime a physical body was in a position high above the ground and moved out into the air, the next step would be a great fall to the ground or water below. But when you board the plane you are expecting something quite different to take place. You expect to soar high into the air and actually stay up there until you get to your destination! You are willing to bet your very life upon the hope that this will actually happen the way it's supposed to. You are putting your trust upon several factors: (1) a century of flight indicates the majority of planes take off, fly, and land the way they're supposed to, (2) the plane you're on has been carefully inspected and maintained, and (3) the highly skilled and trained pilots know exactly what they're doing.

This is one area where you don't want to be in charge. You would rather have the pilots fly the plane instead of flying it yourself... or the person next to you, or even the attendant. Your faith and trust is in someone other than yourself. You allow them to be in control.

In many of the important areas of our life we allow someone else to dictate and be in control. We would never fathom of performing surgery upon our self, but we willingly allow the professional surgeon to cut into us and do what has to be done. What it boils down to are the credentials of the person we are trusting. We trust the pilot to skillfully fly the plane but we would never think of him as performing our surgery! It's all in the credentials.

When our life is on the line, we have to put our trust in someone who has the right credentials... we don't always have any other option. But, we also know that there will actually come a time in our life that our life will come to an end, whether it's up on a plane, on an operating table, or at the end of sixty/seventy/eighty-something years of normal living.

Some folks believe when that time arrives for them, all things will cease and come to an end for their self. Other folks believe in all types of varieties and flavors of an afterlife. I personally believe that even at that time, the time when we depart this present life, that it's still best to trust and have faith in the one who has the right credentials. Though every type of person imaginable can tell us about their personal view of what the afterlife holds, I feel there has only been one person throughout every time and place who indeed holds the certificate which proves and verifies their worth in matters of what follows this life. I absolutely believe he is the only one to ever enter and depart this world with the certification to guide, lead, and be the source of our continuation after we breathe our last breath while here. You've heard about Jesus... don't play down his importance, he alone can pilot the plane.

(art from "But Jesus Paid it All" video)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fall Trees

Fall Trees by pdw's atelier
Fall Trees, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

I enjoy visiting the desert but I sure would hate to live where the four seasons are not displayed in all their splendor. Can you image Fall without the colors to go with it? No, I can't either. I walked about thirty feet outside the house and looked up... this scene friendly greeted me. I couldn't resist.

Yellow Leaves - Blue Sky

Look up! Yellow against blue... what could be a better compliment than that? You don't need a color wheel to see the perfect harmony of this natural color combination. And, this is no creation of a well schooled artist, designer or fashion expert. It is just another reminder that the Creator's handiwork is unequaled in so many breath-taking ways.

Yellow Leaves on Ground

Yellow Leaves on Ground by pdw's atelier
Yellow Leaves on Ground, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

When the colors change, people flock from all over to view their radiance. The hills radiate with the beauty of the foliage... and the trails fill with the mountain visitors who carry cameras, paint brushes and 'leaf guides' to help explain what they're seeing.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Picnic at Hanging Rock by pdw's atelier
Picnic at Hanging Rock, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

One of Australia's classic films is "Picnic at Hanging Rock". Carol and I had only lived in Australia for a couple of months when the Gwyther-Jones' took us for a real picnic at Hanging Rock. (Repost from 2010)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Date Tree

The Date Tree by pdw's atelier
The Date Tree, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

A date tree is a sight most of us don't see every day. We have to be in that region of the world where they flourish. Though I live by a biosphere which contains thousands of tree/plant varieties, when I traveled and saw the date tree, I immediately enjoyed it's colorful fruit... and how it contrasted with the desert sky. I recognized this as a picture that should be a blended combination of abstraction and realism. God's handiwork in nature often offers us a smorgasbord of extremes combined together in unity.

Victoria Lake

Victoria Lake by pdw's atelier
Victoria Lake, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

This Australian landscape leaves out the little details and instead focuses on shapes. The same scene could have easily been painted showing the trees and land masses with much more focus on the little things taking place. When objects are in the distance, we naturally don't even notice the details unless we squint and really focus on what's going-on. Otherwise, objects tend to be 'blobs' until we try hard to see them.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Oconee Bells Profile

Oconee Bells Profile by pdw's atelier
Oconee Bells Profile, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

This little wildflower looks good from any direction you view it.

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Blend of Green and Red

The Smokies can be seen from slightly off the beaten path.

Just Paint It

Just Paint It
It always surprises me when talking to an artist and hear them say "Oh, I can't paint that. I specialize in so-and-so." They could be referring to practically anything, whether it's a landscape, person, animal, or thing... even a decorative design! My thoughts are that either they don't want to paint that, or perhaps they haven't had sufficient training. (Our art schools and universities often fail to provide the in-depth training required for an artist to competently reproduce the world around them.)

It is noticeable how print and media artists often refine their skills and abilities beyond those who have gone into the fine arts of museum and gallery showings. Though most of us have our specialties, they shouldn't be at the total exclusion of everything else. It's natural to excel at painting one thing but we should at least be competent in other areas as well.

It disappoints to hear any artist make the "I can't paint that" statement. Perhaps four years of school was not enough. Could it be that more training is what is really needed?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oconee Bells

Wildflowers by pdw's atelier
Wildflowers, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

The teeny little Oconee Bells (Shortia galacifolia) are a wildflower native to the Appalachian mountains of South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina. It's quite rare to find them in the wild but Spring is the season to look for them. I wish to thank those photographers who have allowed me to use their great photos as a source for this art!

Smoky Mountain Forked Stream

The waters run rapid on both forks.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jesus Was NOT a Great Prophet

The claims Jesus made were extremely brash; they were quite unloving; and they were very egotistical... unless (UNLESS) they are the whole truth (which He blatantly claimed they are).

Jesus had a very narrow view of who He is and what His mission is.

There are two ways to view Jesus. We either see Him in the same way He classifies Himself, as Lord and only way we have to God's truths and to His eternal kingdom. Or... we see Him as an egotistical lunatic!

But most people don't believe this!!!
The majority of people have a third view of Jesus. Even YOU might be one of these people. Do you hold the view that Jesus was a great teacher who taught and did good things and wants everybody to love one another? Do you believe He was one of several great spiritual teachers, the equal of (on par with) other great spiritual leaders who have told us about God? (Note: Jesus did NOT believe this about Himself.) He saw Himself so far above other spiritual leaders that He took it upon Himself to correct their teachings. Sometimes He even nullified their teachings. He even added to their teachings if they didn't go far enough. He considered His teachings to be far above their teachings. And, if their teachings were in conflict with His own, He considered theirs to be from the devil and not of any worth!

Wow! If you hold this odd but very popular 'third view' don't you think it's time you changed your view of Jesus since He's not who you thought He was? Isn't it about time you either think of Him as a harmful, raving lunatic? Or... think of Him as who He proclaimed to be, as the one and only Son of God; Messiah; and our only source of eternal truth who alone provides the way for us to be miraculously grafted into God's eternal kingdom, both on earth and in the heavenly realm? This is exactly who Jesus thinks He is! Jesus never left room for any other view.

Wild Budgies Feeding

Wild Budgies Feeding by pdw's atelier
Wild Budgies Feeding, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

It is always a beautiful site to see the brightly adorned flocks of budgies flying across the Australian skies. The feeder proves a welcome site to them and draws many to it.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

21st Birthday

21st Birthday by pdw's atelier
21st Birthday, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

We went to a Mexican restaurant. They sang as he wore the sombrero. Thank goodness they didn't smear the whipped cream in his face... like they did to me on my birthday.

California Poppies

California Poppies by pdw's atelier
California Poppies, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

But this field is not in California.

Field of Poppies 1

Field of Poppies 1 by pdw's atelier
Field of Poppies 1, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

No, they don't put you to sleep (but some do contain alkaloids).

Monday, April 15, 2013

Coquille Lilies

Coquille Lilies by pdw's atelier
Coquille Lilies, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Two weeks after Easter and they're looking more lovely than ever.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Two Male Cardinals at One Feeder

Normally they sit back and wait their turn, one at a time.

There is No Politically Correct Jesus


When Christ Walked this Earth...
Jesus was loved and adored by throngs of folks who were looking and hoping for what He could do for them personally. He was gracious and kind and miraculously healed and fed many of them in spite of their lesser impure motives. Some of those folks carried it to the next level and changed their perspective into one focused on what they could do for Him. They changed their 'me attitude' into a 'He attitude'. They went on to become His followers. Most of the folks who benefited from Christ's goodness went on to only continue on the path they were originally on. In a sense they won the lottery but it didn't elevate them to what it could have. They missed the mark.

Many of these throngs of people who came to Him for healing later shouted "crucify Him". Far too many people who say they admire or 'like' Jesus actually don't. They only like the good and kind Jesus who meets their needs. They deny and condemn the Jesus who boldly proclaims He is the only way to God and to heaven. They shudder at and despise the Jesus who talked and taught about hell all the time! If He doesn't do or say what they like, they have no need for Him. People who are not Jesus' followers only like and approve of a fantasy substitute for Him... they ignore or deny the real Him.

When Jesus calls us to be His disciples, He doesn't promise wealth, prestige, great health, or lots of positive things to make life comfortable. In contrast, He promises we will have difficulties, persecution, and even the possibility of dying a martyr's death. He promises that in the same way people see the true Him, they will also see His true disciples. His true followers will be scorned in the same way as He is when they "take up their cross daily".

What Jesus requires in those who closely follow Him are obedience and servanthood to Him. We are His servants, He is not ours. Whenever Christianity gets this reversed and confused, we totally miss the mark and pervert the truth and beauty of Christ's mission as manifested through His gospel! We become a type of Christian that Jesus never spoke of. We become a fake type of Christian who agrees more with the non-christian view of Jesus than with the Jesus who sits at the right hand of God and will return administering judgment. Most people don't like that Jesus.

So, what Jesus are we to like and follow? We are to be attracted to the 'real thing', not some lesser watered-down, inoffensive, and approved by man substitute. There is no such Christ.

(Original art from 'But Jesus Paid it All' video)


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kashada At the Foot Bridge

Nothing this little pup loves more than going on walks through the woods. (He would also love to go under this bridge and jump in the water if we would let him.)

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Cardinal Experience #1

If you've never seen a cardinal contrasted against a forest of greenery, try your best to see this full palette. Colors just don't get any more vibrant than this!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dilapidated and Barely Standing #10

Every medium, style and technique creates it's own feeling and impact. Number 10 is Heavy opaque enamel on smooth shiny surface. Original source is faded photo.

Dilapidated and Barely Standing #11

Every medium, style and technique creates it's own feeling and impact. Number 11 is thin transparent acrylics on rough textured surface. Original source is faded photo.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dilapidated and Barely Standing #13

And it's about to slide uphill.

Beautiful, Deadly, Killer Lilies

On Easter I gave these gorgeous lilies to Carol. Over the course of the week they bloomed and now look great. A week after Easter, Chubchub our cat died quite mysteriously. When I did an online search for certain things that can be toxic to cats, I was quite surprised to learn just how deadly lilies are! Every part of the plant proves poisonous to a cat. I'm not saying this is definitely the cause of death, but when comparing the signs and symptoms, this pretty little guy is now the main suspect.

Dilapidated and Barely Standing #14

With hay.


So, do people that consistently fail to answer when they're spoken to just have a large capacity for blocking things out, or are they simply and intentionally being rude? (Hard of hearing folks are excluded.)

Missed Opportunities

When looking back on our 'track record of life', the only regret any disciple of Christ can have is that we willingly missed opportunities to share about Him. We can acknowledge that yes, there were far too many times that we took the easy road and did not step-out and share of the resurrected Savior; His universal timeless mission; and His impact within our own brief life!
But though yesterday might be gone, there's always today and tomorrow... we can still boldly move ahead on that narrow path He's put us on!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dilapidated and Barely Standing

I'm not sure if it's still there or long gone by now.

Apple Tree in Spring

Apple Tree in Spring by pdw's atelier
Apple Tree in Spring, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Vibrant pink blossoms announce what is to come!

Don't Want to Hear It

We are told that the gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Cor 1:18). I might add that it can also be offensive, obnoxious and divisive to many of them as well! But oh, it is so rejuvenating, gracious and beautiful to those who have been changed and impacted by it's life changing and life giving power!

Another Way to the Beach

Just in case you missed the last turn-off, you can always get to the sea by the other inlet.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Woke Up This Morning

Woke Up This Morning by pdw's atelier
Woke Up This Morning, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Junglebrook Barn (view 2)

Standing some fifty yards away from the old cabin is the hand-hewn barn which once housed the animals and grains stored for winter consumption. Now it is a highly visited attraction where visitors can start (or end) the Junglebrook trail which snakes through the thick growth and cascading streams.

Riding the Dragon

Riding the Dragon by pdw's atelier
Riding the Dragon, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

All you motorcycle riders know where the Dragon is, of course. You love the road's curves, twists, turns, high elevation, and thrill of experience. Well, I'm one of them wimps who road it in a car. My verdict? Simply beautiful!

Every minute and mile offers a scenic wonderland of 'stop and take a picture' opportunity.

Water and mountains never looked so good.

New Zealand Sheared Sheep

It's impossible to drive around either island without constantly gazing out the window... since there might not be any other spot on earth with so much diversified beauty per square foot. Majestic vistas are what New Zealand is known for. And as you soak-up the scenery, be prepared for multitudes of eyes staring right back at you.

Bad Religion

Bad Religion by pdw's atelier
Bad Religion, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

Make sure your religion is more than hand-made icons and man-made rituals. Those items will also burn along with all the other remainder of people's valueless endeavors on that day of burning consumption. (art from Judgment Day video)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time by pdw's atelier
Running Out of Time, a photo by pdw's atelier on Flickr.

We all have some.
Nobody has too much.
So, what are you doing with yours?
(Created for "Down Through the Ages" video. Reworked in 2013)