Tuesday, March 6, 2012

a Hardened Heart

It's quite easy to comprehend when someone despicable has hardened their heart. Surely, the murderer, the pedophile, the deceitful liar, the cheating spouse, the abuser, the greedy, and society's numerous villains have hardened their hearts against what is good and true.

But, what about someone you love, respect, and admire? What about your favorite professor who has expanded your vision and filled your head with knowledge, insight, facts, and figures? The teacher who not only taught their subject with a depth and scholarly foundation, but who also reached out to help you see that many things your parents taught weren't right.

That person was also quite active in what they considered to be 'good causes'. They had several causes which they felt were making this world a better place. They considered themselves to be a do-gooder of sorts, and encouraged you to be one also… as long as you took-up-arms for what they considered to be good and upstanding. Heaven forbid you take strong stands for causes which they do not agree with. (Thesis have received an 'F' for such blasphemy.)

Oh yeah, they also helped you see the fallacy of your spiritual beliefs. They emphasized that all religions are wrong and are only for the simple, uneducated, and foolish… not for the intelligent and educated. All these religions are wrong… especially any that proclaim the name of Christ! Jesus-centered beliefs are the worst of them all.

Did I mention that the great and highly-educated professor shares something in common with all the folks mentioned in the first paragraph? They too are guilty of hardening their heart. The results of a hardened heart reaches many areas of life, not just the dark areas which you personally feel are bad and harmful.

Jesus didn't mince any words about this. Numerous verses reflect His opinion about anyone who causes someone not to believe in Him. He refers to them as "wolves, deceivers, venomous, and false teachers". He places them in the same category as the wicked who do all the harmful practices mentioned above.

We are told to 'guard our heart', not to harden it.

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