Sunday, February 3, 2013


Think about how many times you've had a 'total opposite' moment.
This is how it goes: You have just eaten something and you think to your self, "This has to be the worst _______ I have ever eaten." You don't say anything, you keep it to your self. Pretty soon somebody else comes along and try's the same item, only they get so excited they burst out loud, "Wow, this is good! This is the way _______ are supposed to taste!" It's at that moment you realize that similar situations have taken place before with the same person. You conclude that in matters of food, you and this person are on quite different tracks!

Though the example focused on food, this same scenario also happens with entertainment, cars, product branding, and practically anything else we have a personal bias for or against. We can have a total opposite moment at anytime and about anything!

The other side of this coin is when you have a cherished "You like _____ too! I do as well!" moment. Honestly, this is not about something which most people like, but about that rare like of yours that most people don't share in common. We'll talk about that some other time.

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