Thursday, April 19, 2012


Is there ever a point that reasoning and logic stop and faith and trust have to take over? The truth is that many varied areas of our life are fueled with a supplement of faith and trust in order that we are able to get out of bed and function for the remainder of the day. But that said, each one of us do have those certain areas that we just don't have enough faith to believe in something. I know there's a few personal areas that I say, "I just don't have enough faith, and logic just doesn't supply enough facts for me to believe in (whatever)." Those are the areas that my "test paper" has a big red 'F' marked at the top.
(((Sometimes an F is not all that bad... as long as it's not of life-or-death importance... and when it boils down to 'who's grading that paper' and do I really care whether they give an A or an F. And, is the F actually an A and the A in reality an F when put into their proper light?)))


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