Monday, April 30, 2012

Change Your Ways - Autumn

Change Your Ways - Autumn

I recently scored the Winter version of 'Change Your Ways', a song I wrote back in 2000 which emphasizes one of the most important doctrines in the Bible, and one that goes fully hand-in-hand with the gospel of Christ… the all important doctrine of repentance. Without true repentance there's not a single one of us who can turn to God and follow His ways. When sending His Messiah, God first paved the way by sending a prophet whom He referred to as "the greatest of all prophets" who's main message was for us to "repent and change our ways and get ready for His Christ".

Change Your Ways could have been the piece which begins the Omega, but it is concreted-in as the final piece of the Alpha.

Though I wrote both melody and lyrics almost twelve years ago, when scoring the Autumn version recently, I understood that something would be different about this arrangement. To my amazement a new counter-melody came which changes the song completely! The counter melody runs throughout this Autumn arrangement and is brought to the foreground in the second verse/chorus. If you are familiar with the original version, and with the Winter version, you will be quite surprised by what happens with this Autumn strings/symphonic rendition. It never ceases to amaze me when God's spirit works in incredible, unexpected ways!

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