Sunday, December 5, 2010

Planting Seeds

Don't tell me what to do! Keep your opinions to yourself! If I wanted your advice, I would ask for it!

People resent being told what to do. It doesn't matter how good the advice or how informative the information, when it comes to accepting advice, we have a tendency to quickly put up our wall. All too often our shield of rebelliousness is raised, which prompts us to take an opposite stand to that which was offered. We would rather dig our own pit than listen to advice that was not requested or sought.

Scripture tells us that a foolish person ignores wise council. Our pride doesn't want to accept someone else who might recognize something about our self that we cannot see on our own. Surely this other person doesn't have the insight or the right to tread on my own personal actions!? We raise our defense against the enemy... not realizing the enemy is our very self. "We met the enemy and he is us."

So what should we do if we notice something which should be brought to someone's attention? We must wisely assess the situation and keep our own prejudices at bay. Important advice should have only one motive... it must be given to help the person, not stroke our own ego.

The best advice we can give is that which is fully based on Biblical principles. Even a person who is not familiar with Scripture has an innate sense of it's foundational truths and know when it's wisdom is solid, sound, trustworthy and worthy of applying. Whether they actually do heed your biblical advice is another thing all together... you aren't responsible for one's choice to follow their own path, no matter how destructive it might be. But go ahead and help anyway, they just might appreciate it someday.

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