Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snake Venom Does More Harm Than It's Appearance Would Suggest

Naturally, when we hear about people who prey upon the innocent we are quite alarmed... as well we should be, but it is also those predators which 2010+ society doesn't necessarily consider harmful whom we should also be concerned about. These groups often have questionable agendas which are strongly promoted through various venues at their disposal. Their focus is not so much in forcing people to think and act their way (though some say that might actually be their true aim) but in using the internet, periodicals, books, music, film, television, radio, theater and other accessible media to capture the minds, emotions, and wallets of the impressionable. They have an abhorrence for anyone who has an alternate world view to their own and try their best to discredit anyone who speaks out against their ploys.

If scanning the assortment of blogs and social media pages is any real indication of how effective these mind-predators have been, then we have good reason to be alarmed! The ideas, comments, images and concerns which many of the younger bloggers have bought-into and proudly proclaim on their personal pages is enough to make their great grandparents turn over in their graves. Being virtuous, well mannered and modest have become so outdated that those traits are hard to find... and even considered to be ridiculous.

It just goes to show how so many of the warnings and fears which were ridiculed and made-fun-of so many years ago were in reality grounded in an authentic and very real concern. We have a nasty tendency to laugh at the warnings of previous generations as being nothing more than out-dated ideas and values.

Again, the insight and wisdom given to us from the pages of the Bible prove quite helpful in having the vision and discernment to see through the cancerous wiles of these seemingly innocent forces.We see how cunningly and easily the enemy takes captive the soul's of the innocent with easily available addictions and vices.
NOTE: This is NOT a witch hunt. I am in no way suggesting we round-up and silence anyone who holds opposing views to what we personally hold. What I do suggest is anyone who considers them self to hold standards of morality should at least be aware of the mind-control measures which are out there... and they are quite effective! Be aware that yesterday's back-room purveyor's of vice have stepped to the front-room and are easily capturing the minds and wallets of the easily conned and addicted kids who have no clue what is actually transpiring.


1 comment:

  1. Remember, it's never too late to make an honest assessment of your life and values; ask God to help you see those areas which you are not able to see on your own; and turn and ask His forgiveness. He is quite generous in His forgiveness. The only thing He asks is that we repent, turn, and flee from those sins which have had control over us.
