Saturday, December 25, 2010

Let There Be Peace on Earth

"Let there be peace on earth".
This is not an easy, simple goal to accomplish!
It's far easier to sing about peace than it is to bring about peace.
Here's the difficult part... peace is an abstract concept.
Unfortunately it's not a universal condition of the soul and intellect that we can all put our finger on.
In it's nature, it is abstract and often indescribable.
Why is that?
Because true peace is not easy to define. We all have differing ideas of what peace is.
And if my peace differs from your peace then it means that concessions will have to be made if we both are to experience a small slice of peace.
The key here is "concessions". Yep, that means we have to give up stuff! But if we give up something then it makes it that much harder to actually achieve peace. And if I am giving up far more than you are then you must see how much harder it is for me to gain peace! (or vice versa)

And closely mixed-in with peace is the concept and condition of freedom! When a person attempts to achieve peace they naturally associate it with their personal freedoms. They actually desire the freedom to "do what they want, when they want, in any way they want"... believing by succumbing to this smorgasbord of earthly delights that this in itself is what peace is all about!!! Whew! And if any of their freedoms are taken away and removed, then their chance to live a contented peaceful life is also removed.

Today is Christmas, which means only one thing... Jesus. Yup, that's it. Jesus. Some people do not think about Jesus at the Christmas season. They might be concentrating on decorations, festivities, food, giving and getting gifts, trees, fantasies (Santa, elves, reindeer), hurts, pleasures, and all the other things which is part of their Christmas traditions. But when broken down to it's essential and most basic premise, and when removing all the non-important aspects of Christmas, it all boils down to Jesus. And who is Jesus? He is the "Prince of Peace".
He is the one who can give the "peace which surpasses understanding" and he is also the one who claims that he in no way came to bring peace but to bring DIVISION!!!

Okay, I'm leaving you with this mystery (which really isn't a mystery)... Jesus is the only true, authentic source of peace, and peace can only truly be found in him, and yet he has brought division into the world. No, he is not bringing division through the war of bloodshed (leave that to the enemies of Christ), but through the division of one's spirit and soul. The Prince of Peace is also the Great Divider!

Now, didn't this message bring you comfort, good will, and peace?
What? It didn't??
You say this little message was anything but peace-giving?
Do you understand?
Isn't it obvious?
Think about it.

Blessed are the peacemakers.


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