Saturday, October 27, 2012

How Low Can We Go

I have yet to read a review of Mockingbird Lane mentioning the major flaw in the show... the way the main emphasis has been completely switched and can be summed up in one word... 'threatening'. The original show featured a family who appeared monstrous on the outside but were actually kind and non-threatening on the inside (though admittedly odd). The new characters appear normal to the eye, but in actuality they are wicked killers who have the potential of ripping your throat out at any given moment. (The show begins with little Eddie attempting to murder an entire Boy Scout troop!) This family is truly threatening and dangerous.

The character of Marilyn is no longer needed in the story. The writers make no bones about portraying Lily as the true beauty/seductress of the two. Marilyn's good looks are not unique amongst her family members. But even 'normal' Marilyn is given a not-so-sweet personality who just might be capable of committing atrocities of her own. She seems to take delight in assisting Grandpa in spreading his poisonous and harmful schemes.

No, this new version of the Munsters could never be good neighbors. They might appear to the eye as being normal, but their darkness is far more more threatening. This is one family who should be avoided.

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