Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pure and Clean or Dark and Dirty

People should be aware there is a standard of purity that is far above and beyond what they are adhering to in their natural, unrepentant state. It is this awareness of God's higher holy standard that does unite many of the world's religions and is the one area where they actually do have something in common*. It is when people make no effort to strive for any purity standard; live, interact, and adorn themselves at the most base, carnal, and low; and are consumed by an egotistical vanity, that God's wrath is fully justified in eventually being delivered, as He has promised. God clearly views our self indulgent and vain actions as being the equivalent of committing idolatry and sinning against Him. We are not innocent in this area.

We have gotten to the point where we are craving to justify our practices, and so we twist the tables to make it seem like we are doing the correct thing by adhering to them, that we have created professional titles for people who are regarded as authorities in certain areas... only for the purpose of approving and justifying actions which are purely abhorrent to a holy and just God! One of these so-called experts recently made the statement that we should send our practices of modesty and purity back to the dark ages so we could move forward on a quest of sexual indulgence. Though this statement might sound infantile and childish to someone who can see through it, it was not made by an uneducated ignoramus, it was pronounced by an expert on the subject! God's Word tells us about these folks, "we'll appoint authorities who will tell us what our itching ears desire to hear."

Here's the bottom line... we actually do have an inner, quiet voice which tells us when something is not right. It is easy to ignore and pay no attention to, and move forward with what we really crave and lust after and honestly want to do! And after this has taken place, our next line of defense is to state that this inner consciousness was never there to begin with and our moving ahead into sin is the better action to take. This is widespread standard practice... but that doesn't make it right! Pure and clean is always a better alternative than soiled and covered in dirt.

"Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry. For it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience." (Colossians 3:2,5,6)


*I am not a universalist in belief and feel that unity amongst religions is an impossibility without watering them down to a practically useless state, but I do believe there are some areas of numerous religions which have much in common, one of which is what is discussed here, the absolute need to live a far more righteous and pure life than what the non religious person chooses. This principle is present in most major religions.

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