Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Celebrating 24 years of using Macintosh computers at work!!

Celebrating 24 years of using Macintosh computers at work!!

It was in 1987 that the company's graphics department purchased 2 Macs. These were graphical-interface (GUI) marvels!! The remainder of the 30-something computers were all MS-DOS based, which meant those employees had to learn command-prompts and stare at black monitors all day!

Our little Macs frightened the IT department. They realized that if computers were to go the way of the Macs, their jobs would be far less secure and not required as much.

Naturally, those employees using the MS-DOS dinosaurs would come into the graphics department just to long and lust after our user-friendly machines. They were witnessing the wave of computer's future and they realized it.


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