Sunday, July 10, 2011

Atheism on the Web

What is atheism?
It is pretend. It is made-up... it does not exist. It is a fantasy that proclaims "there is no god" and yet it is spoken by someone who's very existence and actions shout "there is a god!"

I've never been 900 billion miles out into outer space. I'm not even sure I can even see it with the naked eye and yet I don't question that it's there. Some things are obvious whether our eye can see them or not. ((Yeah, there is a center to the earth, though I've never seen it... or even seen photos of it)).

There are multitudes of atheists on the Internet. I've seen their web pages. I can easily understand why they like to pretend there is no God, for if there IS a God then they're in big trouble! Get rid of God; bury his expectations of established morality; eliminate his promised day of judgment; and bingo... you're free to do anything you want to do (which is what their ultimate goal is)! Since they refuse to repent of their actions, being an atheist is the only way out.

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